Pain x pleasure

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(Hayley's Pov)
"Any questions?" He asked. I looked at him and said "No daddy. I agree with you." I nearly cried when I said it. "Good. Oh and baby girl don't pick the wedgie. Remember I will hurt you." Daddy said.
(Next day. Hayley's Pov)
"Hey baby girl, come sit next to daddy." He called. I walked over and sat next to daddy on the couch. He the put his hand down my pants and started to finger me. "Daddy please....stop...." I could feel the cum. "No. Not yet." He smirked. "Cum for daddy." I let go of the cum. Soft moaning sounds were heard from me. "Awe someone's enjoying this a little too much." He smirked again. "Daddy...I have to pee." I moaned. He let me go and said. "Hurry back baby girl. Daddy has a surprise for you."
I did what I had to do and washed my hands. I then ran back. "Good. Now sit. I'll be right back with it." He said as he left. I slightly twitched as I heard meowing. "Huh. Daddy what's that noise." I asked, still on the couch. "You're gonna find out." He yelled. I patently waited. He came back with a pet carrier. He then said "now baby girl I know you have been notty, but this is for you when I'm not around. Okay?" I looked at the carrier and asked "wait is this why I heard meowing?" He nodded. An excited smile on my face appeared. He opened it and a grey and black cat came running out of it. I looked at the collar and it said 'Felix' I smiled. "Thank you daddy. I love him." I said in my daddy's favorite voice. Even though I was 12 I was still his baby girl.
(Brendon's pov)
I've never seen her this happy before. It makes all my other efforts shameful. I heard her stomach growl. I laughed at it. "C'mon baby girl let's go have 'fun' (sex). Her smile fadded. "O-okay daddy." She went upstairs and got ready. I put Felix on her room and went in my room. I saw he covering her pre-womanhood. "Show daddy what you're hiding baby girl." I said softly. She removed her hand and I saw her loveliness. "Don't be embarrassed."
(20 minutes later Brendon's pov)
"Baby girl Megan's here." I yelled at her. She came down in some jeans, a crop top, and her panic hoodie. "Hey Megan." She said. I looked at Megan. "Okay here's the deal. Take her to the skatepark and I will get to wedgie you when you get back. Is that good?" I asked the fourteen year old. "Fine." She said with attitude. "Hey watch the tude." I said. And with that they leafy on the skateboards. "Spencer!" I yelled and he came down. "Follow them. And make sure you aren't seen." I said. He then left.
(Hayley's Pov)
"Megan your a whoe." I said. "Um. Excuse me, do I need to tell somebody's daddy that they have a potty mouth." She smirked. Only she knew the punishment for swearing. I didn't know what it was. "Bitch please. Like I'm scared of you. Just because I'm short doesn't make me weak. Like c'mon bitch." I said. "Okay then." She said. We then skated for an hour and headed back. She opened the door and I walked in. "HAYLEY GET YOUR ASS UPSTAIRS. NOW!!!" I tried to run out the door but Dallon blocked me. "Fuck!" I yelled. I then covered my mouth. Dallon grabbed my panties and lifted me by them. "Dal. Please..." I screamed. "No way. I'm not facing your dad when he's pissed." He said sternly. He dropped me on the bed. "Daddy please." He silenced me. I watched as Dallon walked out of the room. Daddy tied my hands together. And unzipped his pants. "Baby I know your gonna love this no matter what. But I'm going to tease you. As your punishment." He said and I looked down at the floor. He said. "You better lift that pretty head of yours otherwise it'll be worse." He smirked. I lifted my head and saw his member. He knew I wanted it. "Daddy please..." I whined. "I'm counting that as crying by the way. Also didn't I say shut the Fuck up!" He yelled the last bit at me. He started to tease me. I moaned a bit. He stopped and grabbed my clothes and his clothes. "Daddy. Where are you going with my clothes?" I asked curiously. He turned and dropped them on the floor and walked over and smacked me. "D-daddy?" I was so confused. He then left and came back with a bag of thongs. "D-daddy p-please d-don't." I begged. He put the thongs on me all of them at once. He smacked my ASS. "Baby girl needs a lesson. She needs pain x pleasure." Daddy said. He then shoved a vibrator in my pussy. "Put on a bra, crop top, tight skinny jeans, and get some rope." He ordered I did as told and he said "go to the chamber (basement)." I left and went downstairs. Spencer opened the door and he led me down. Megan was getting an atomic wedgie from Dallon. "Please help me Spencer." I said. But before I realized that I said 'spencer' instead of uncle Spence I knew I was in for it. "You know what ima let that slide since you are in trouble already." He replied.
Daddy came down and looked at Megan. "Okay Dallon let her go." He said. I knew I was in trouble now, because Gerard walked down with a big paddle. "Here dude." He handed daddy the paddle. "Okay I'm only going to ask once. Where did you hear that language?" He asked. "I-I heard it from....." my voice trailed off. "Hayley just tell him. I mean seriously." Gerard said. "I'm waiting." Daddy said. I didn't want to tell daddy I got it from Megan. "Okay then." Daddy went behind me and grabbed the thongs. "Wait." I said. He looked at the guys and with that they left. "I learned that language from Megan." I said. "I should have known." He said.
(Next day Hayley's Pov)
My ass was sore and I had band practice today. "Ugh." I moaned in pain and pleasure. The vibrator and wedgie still in me. "Oww." I said as daddy yanked hard. "No whining. Or do you want a repeat of yesterday?" He asked. "No. Daddy." I answered. "Good now get dressed and take Felix for a walk." He said still sternly. I got dressed in my closet not picking the wedgie like daddy said. I was wearing a naruto crop top, blue skinny jeans and my custom kitty cat panic hoodie. He told me to turn around and he checked the wedgie. "Good now go." Daddy ordered. I did as told. I came back after twenty minutes. "Where did you go? Huh?" He asked. My white kitty cat panic hoodie was stained with blood. "Daddy......" is what I managed to say before passing out.
(Brendon's pov)
"Dallon get my phone!" I yelled. He came in and helped me lift her even though she weighs like 70 pounds. We put her on the bed. I took her hoodie off and saw that she had a knife stab in her shoulder. I looked at the hoodie and saw a hole. "Fuck!" I yelled. Then I called the police. A little while later they took her away. "Goodbye baby girl." I whispered.
We arrived at the hospital. We went to her room and saw her alive and well. She was asleep when we got inside. "Hey runt." Gerard said jokingly. I playfully punched him. "Hey baby girl." I said and she woke up. "Hey daddy...cough.." She said. A police officer walked in and asked for me. I walked over and asked "yes can I help you?" He said "yes, yes you can. I'm looking for a 14 year old girl named Megan. She broke into a house and somehow managed to stab this girl." He said. I told him "oh yeah she lives in my neighborhood. Over on raisin ave." My baby girl laughed at me. "Daddy it's raven ave." She said. I just face palmed my self. "She knows better than I do. Mineis well ask her I mean hey." He walked over and asked her for directions. Once he was done he left and we were packing up her stuff.
Once we got home I let her down and she ran after Bogart, Penny, and Felix. "Lol I have to go live right now. Baby girl come to daddy." She came and I turned on my phone and went to Instagram and of course went live. "Hey guys. I love you all. But I'm here to say my baby girl is out of the hospital." I said. They were asking for me to show her face. I said "um lemme think um hell nah." Someone asked to see Dallon and Spencer. I called them over and they said hi. Gerard walked by the phone and fans started squealing. "He Gerard get yo ass over here." I told him and he asked for my phone. He said "this is for all my haters." He stuck up his middle finger. I playfully punched him again.
(Hayley's Pov)
I walked out of the room and grabbed my stuff. I heard daddy say he wanted to have some fun. "I'm coming daddy." I said. I was looking for my pocket knife. 'Damn' I thought. Okay then plan B.
I was walking downstairs when I saw that he was drunk. "daddy I have a question...." my voice trailed off. Dallon said "hey do you mind if we go upstairs?" He asked. I nodded and up we went. He then said. "Okay put this on he threw me a wedgie me thong and a pair of granny panties. I put it on and I was so uncomfortable. "Come sit on uncle Dallon's lap." I went and sat down on his lap. He shoved a vibrator in my pussy. He smirked and said "enjoy. Oh and uncle Spence will be up soon. And no cuming." I moaned. Then uncle Spence walked in and gave me a frontal wedgie. "Why are you....doing this?" I asked obviously scared. He said "it's Brendon's drunk ass idea not mine. I wouldn't do it if I was stronger than him."
Bye guys oh and toatal words

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