The YouTube video

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(This isn't that sneak peek one. Also characters are: Brendon(boyfriend),Spencer(YouTube friend),Megan(band mate), Zach(friend) Sarah(Brendon's sister), and Gerard(other friend)enjoy)

(Hayley's Pov)
I was reading a book called 50 shades of grey. When I wanted to vlog. I took out my camera and turned it on and started to vlog. It was boring so I snuck out side and looked at a sleeping Brendon. I flimed him for a bit and ran out. I quickly ended the video. "See ya next week guys.😝" once I was done I uploaded it and went back to reading the book.
(An hour later. Still Hayley's Pov)
"Hayley get your ass down here!" I heard Brendon yell. I ran down stairs and he asked. "Why the hell did u film me when I was a sleep?!" I looked at the back of me and made a run for it. But before I could he grabbed my thong. "Brendon please." "Oh no. I can't let you go not yet." He smirked evilly at me. He then yanked my thong so high that I was hovering. "Please..." is all I managed to get out. "Nope. Wait until Spencer Smith and my friends arrive. U will be sorry. Just u wait." My thong broke and I was dragged into the basement.

(Brendon Urie Pov)
I dragged her down and hooked her up to the wedgie chair. "Enjoy. Also call me daddy from now on. Okay baby girl?" She nodded. "Use ur words." I whispered. "Y-yes d-d-daddy." She stuttered. "Brendon." I heard Gerard way upstairs with my friends. "In the basement!" I yelled at them. They came down and looked at her. "So what she do this time?" Spencer asked.
I filled them in and they knew what to do. I went upstairs and grabbed 'THE BAG'. I realize that I need to get something from the store. I run downstairs and tell them what to and take Zach with me.
(Hayley's Pov)
I looked over at Gerard and he smirked. "" is all I asked. "Tsk tsk tsk. What did you do for this to happen." Spencer asked. "I vloged. That's all. I did include a sleeping Brendon though." I half way smiled. They told me they had to torture me. The put custom panic at the disco panties on me. "Please." "No runt just go with it. It's gonna happen anyway." Gerard said to me. He put on some panic song (called I write sins not tragedies!) "Why...." I whined. They knew I didn't like that song. Gerard started to wedgie me in the front, while singing.
I chimed in with a haven't you ever heard of closing a goddamn door no!
It's much better to face theese kinds of things. With a sense of poise and rationality.
"Awe you don't like my singing?" He said as Brendon came down. "Hey baby girl." He smacked my ass like 20 times. "Owwwwwwww!" I cried. "Awe is my baby mad?" "N-no." I whimper. He smirked evilly. He grabbed a vibrator and shoved it into my pussy. He then turned it up on sex level and left. But before he did he said "don't cum princess. Also if you do I'll hurt you good." Tears were streaming down my face. I managed to hold back the cum. He came back down and took me upstairs and said the guys could rest. "Remember that you have to call me daddy." He smirked. I nodded. He pushed me on the bed and took my vibrator out and threw me a unicorn onesie. "Put it on. Now!" He yelled at me. I put it on. "I-I don't l-like it." I quickly and quietly said. "Oh so you don't do u. Huh well too bad. You are going to learn to like what I buy you!" He yelled at me. "Okay. Daddy." I choked on the daddy part. "There we go." He came in and gave me a hug. "Br- I mean daddy, why are you still hugging me?" He jumped and let go making me fall and my panties stick out. He smirked and I knew he saw them. "Daddy please." I practically yelled. He didn't care he yanked up and basically picked me up. "It hurts..." I moaned. "Awe someone's pussy is dripping." 'Fuck' is what I wanted to say. He took me to the kitchen and grabbed a piece of paper saying something.
(What papers saying)
Punishment for swearing and being a BITCH
1. Wedgie
2. Teasing
3. Vibrator
4. Spanking
5. Random
1. Don't cry
2. Don't swear
3. Do as I or any guest says
4. If I want sex you have to give me sex
5. Always call me DADDY
6. Don't be rude
7. Follow all rules
8. Don't leave the house unless you are with me
9. No vlogging when I'm asleep
10. Like everything I buy you even if u don't like it.
1. Gerard
2. Spencer
3. Zach
4. Megan

(Hayley's Pov)
"Any questions?" He asked.
Hey guys ima continues the book on this story. If any problems with the story let me know by dming me enjoys.

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