Levi POV

I was in front already of the insolent costumer, placing an irritated face.
I grab the collar of the shitty person and shout,
I eased my wrath as I looked at my back.

Hanji is staring.

Aware that I'm not supposed to shout and not to reveal that I'm the owner of this one and clean restaurant.
I lean my head closer to him quelling myself and sighed,

"I'm the owner of this restaurant.
So be quiet and respect."
I whispered but seriously.
The person obliged.

I can say he is not afraid of my position but afraid of me being a whole midget just boosting my anger.

After the malicious treat, I came back to my usual seat beside Hanji.

"Levi are you hiding something?"
Hanji asked persistantly  even until we've ate our meal.

.     .     .

After the lunch, Erwin stood up
"Erwin where are you going?"

Hanji is annoying.
She's always humorous.
She's persistent in questions like an elementary kid who needs attention for him/her to be recognized.

"I'm going to go somewhere.
I'll leave you with Levi."
Erwin said..... with a grin.

  What of all people why a filthy bitch.

By the way, Erwin I know is a playboy.
I can say.....Someday, he will just leave Hanji behind whilst he will play with some more girls.

Hanji stared back at me and again to Erwin.

Well Hanji is terrified of me.

" When will you get back?"
She asked Erwin stupidly
(Levi's perspective)

He answered excitedly.
She doesn't approved to it.

He just got away and left her along with me.

She didn't looked at me even once until I asked
"Do you think Erwin is weird?"

"...Um.... maybe" She answed unsure about it.

.        .        .

I decided to go with her in Mike's house.

After a few hours of walking without glancing at each other,
We stopped by an apartment.

Hanji POV

The house exterior is simple.
The walls are dirty white with ebony roof and fences.
The structure was like Erwin's.
It is a two story house.
There are two windows beside the ivory door.
Wires from the post connected to it.
The water escalated from the water pipe at the right side of it.

Levi's personality is rare.
Supposed to be, the average of a country's population, there are more people who cared about cleaning.
Nevertheless, it's okay for them to only leave a small piece of dirt on the sideways.
However, Levi..... He can't stand out every single dirt even the miniature waste.

Unfortunately, I'm the opposite.
I'm messy, filthy, and dirty.
As long as, I'm not rare nd alone.

How about take him to a phycologist then we will know what and why is his symptom.
It's not easy persuading him for it.
I don't want to be end up like the poor guy who witnessed Levi's grip that late morning.

We stepped inside as Levi opened the door.
Someone greeted from the interior as Levi went in ignorantly.

That man has blonde hair,  concealing his eyes.
I felt weird looking at him.
He came closer to me and sniffed my hair.

I greeted with an embarrassed tone.

"He is my ally"
Levi joined the conversation (? more like a silent contact)
Anyway, 'ally' I thought clueless.
Levi glared at my expression for a minute.

"When he sniffs something filthy, he will then tell me so I can clean."
Disgusted plastered all through his eyes.

I laugh sarcastically knowing how much a clean freak he is.

  .      .       .

I keep looking at the time waiting for the bell to peal at twelve o'clock, sitting on the living room.
The clock looked expensive.
It is gold imprinting some features from the Greek culture 'the Olympics'.
According to Homer, those games were honorable for the Olympians especially Zeus, the God of all Gods.
Only man were aloud to join while naked.
The winner receives the golden olive crown, sacred from the goddess of wisdom, Athena.

I impatiently decided to just go to Erwin's house without him noticing.
I'll check out whether he was only in the house, avoiding me or he is really went somewhere.

.       .       .

I make my way out of the town with my handbag.
I stopped by the station and called out a taxi.
After a minute of waiting, the taxi arrived and sat there at the front seat beside the driver.

.         .        .

I have arrived already in the house seeing the lights turn off.

'I should check this out'

I opened slowly the door and stepped inside.
Moaning can be heard upstairs that's why I tiptoed myself going up the stairs.
After a few steps, I opened the door shocked.
Tears poured through my cheeks as I cried anxiously.

' I should be aware from him and if I'm aware, I would have not trust somebody who just cheated on me.'


The next chapter will be the beginning of LEVIHAN.


Both chapter 2 and 3 is not the awareness of Levi but the should be awareness of Hanji.
▶  ◀

Fate Brought Us Together (LEVIHAN)Where stories live. Discover now