Chapter 4: The siren, the witch and the wardrobe of doom

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I stared out into the empty space, unable to register everything that happened in the span of a night and barely even 18 hours. The mattress of the bed in the newly assigned room for me felt oddly like my bed at home. I fell back to the soft furniture, my (h/c) scattered and deprived from any arrangements whatsoever as I let out a heavy and loud sigh of relief. Finally, in the span of a night and barely 18 hours, I was finally left alone. Also, I have to fix this weird sensation I feel whenever I see the siren emperor. Maybe the history books in this place can teach me more about sirens because the book I read before didn't really give that  much of spot-on answers. Steeling my resolve, I walked to the bathroom to, well, take a bath. I can't exactly stay dirty the whole day.

I stripped my clothes and was left in my underwear. I can't let my guard down. My room is next to Tyler's, Vincent's, and Alexus'. How come the worst combo is there for me always. Across my room is Tyler's room, to the left is Vincent's, to the right is Alexus'. Why couldn't it have been Jason instead? I groaned as I turned on the faucet and hot water immediately gushed out of the opened apparatus. I looked at my ceiling to relax but to no avail because as I stared up, eyes stared back at me as well. I was almost given a heart attack but then I realized that it was just me. There was a big mirror on the ceiling. It was so creepy. I mean... why? Why'd you do that? Why would you put a big mirror on the ceiling? I was so creeped out that I looked down immediately.

I stared at the tub and turned the faucet off after seeing it almost full. Man, this tub fills up fast. I slowly dipped my legs into the water before letting my whole body in the tub. The water was warm and just enough for my body size. "Hmm~" I hummed in delight as I leaned my head back on the tub. 


I started to feel my eyes slowly close as I felt dizzy inside the bathroom. I've been in here for thirteen minutes now. I've washed with soap and washed my hair with shampoo and rinsed my body with water but I just kept coming back to the tub. It felt so nice and warm. The warm water was hugging my whole body... except my head. This place was extremely luxurious. Trust me, I know luxurious when I see one. I thought that was enough and dipped my head under the water, soaking my face and hair. I popped out of the water and walked out with a towel covering me. My soaked undies were really uncomfortable and so I took them out. It was trickier on the bra part. I mean, it's topped by a towel! How do I take that off?

After wasting a lot of time I finally got it out. I placed it on the laundry basket and left the vicinity of the bathroom then into my wardrobe. Of course it looked normal. It was just a big wardrobe with a dark varnished mahogany giving off an distinguished elegant feel to it. It's carvings were elegantly etched on the heartwood of the furniture's frame further adding to it's beauty. There were glowing orbs in random places with stardust glitters all over the doors. They looked as if they were swirling in the midnight blue background of the wood. I couldn't stop admiring the beautiful furniture and touched it's intricate borders.

"This is beautiful." I spoke in awe, almost breathless at the artistic paintings and framings of the big wooden wardrobe. Then I gasped as I touched the door itself. It wasn't a gasp of awe if you would know. It was a gasp of horror. Like, why did my arm disappear and then suddenly everything went dark and then there were glowing lights suddenly and then it looked like the galaxy painting on the door. I know I said it looked beautiful but I didn't like it enough to actually be inside it. Much worse now that I'm naked with only a towel as clothing!

"What the—!"

"Hey!" suddenly I heard this exclamation from a distance, making me look far out in the front of me. I saw a figure. A man with silky white hair and cheerful yellow eyes was standing far away from me, waving his hand in the air as a welcoming beckon for me to go towards him. "(Y/n)!" he shouted happily. I knew this guy. It was Evan! My face blushed a hundred shades of red as I realized my current state.

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