Chapter 3: A day of confusion

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I gawked at the schedule absolutely stunned. It was detailed to the very last minute. My schedule as the victim, the prey, the FOOD. I scrambled on my feet and accidentally bumped into something as I tried to escape. I wish it was something but it just had to be someone instead. I held my aching head and didn't dare to look up. I was afraid to see them. Those three. I stopped moving and closed my eyes wishing I could disappear for just a moment. I suddenly heard a chuckle making freeze even more.

"Aren't you gonna say sorry?" asked a voice that differed from the three boys' vocals. I peeked my eyes open and looked at the person behind the familiar voice and found the guy I was with earlier. I straightened my posture and pointed at him. I'm aware that it's rude to point and stare but nobody could stop me from doing that then and there.

"You!" I exclaimed earning a giggle from the male's mouth.

"Me!" he said with a toothy grin.

"What – how – when did – why are you here?!" I asked while stumbling with my words. He laughed a bit before patting me on the head.

"I'm here cause I came to see how you're doing." He said charmingly. I looked at him befuddled. What exactly did he mean by – oh... that. I looked back at the schedule that hung gloomily in the corner of the room. I felt a sudden chill run up my spine as I looked at it. I whipped my gazes back at my company only to jump back when I saw his face a hand away from mine. He chuckled again for my reaction and straightened up. He brushed his brown hair with his hand and placed it on his hips afterwards. He looked different right now. Earlier, he was very protective and sincere and honest but now he looked... somehow... dysfunctional.

"You're really cute." he said with a smile.


"Nothing~" he chimed. "Oh, are you by any chance planning on escaping this place?" his question made me nod earnestly. I really don't wanna be food. Trust me. He sighed and crossed his arms. He shook his head before propping his head on his hand's palm. "Unfortunately, that's something you can't do easily." He said in gloom. I creased my brows at him and asked what he meant by that earning another sigh. "The moment you stepped foot in the school grounds, you can't leave easily. It's something like the magic of the school." I didn't understand. The school's enchanted, that I know, but what did he mean by us not being able to leave the place. "The school is enchanted with a powerful magic that keeps the students inside and not able to leave." I scoffed at his comment.

"Yeah right. If that were true, then Vincent, Jason and Tyler wouldn't have been able to leave this place. My mom too—?" I suddenly feel a hand cupping my cheek.

"The only ones able to leave this place are those with power." He said. I was startled at his actions and moved back while glaring at him. "People like you need power to get out. This school's aim is to give monsters enough information and power to survive the human world. As much as I hate saying it, those humans have hundreds more people than us. They always seem to triple their number every time." He remarked making me wonder.

"So what you're saying is..?"

"You need to graduate to get out."

"That's too long! I'm gonna be dead before that!" he shrugged and shook his head.

"I wasn't done yet." He said making me apologize.

"You can either go out with people who have power, graduate or in your case... you can get expelled." The last word sounded easy so I thought of doing it. I nodded happily and thanked the guy but then he held his hand out like what you'd see in the beggars on the street.

"What?" I asked and he gave me a blank stare.

"Nothing in this world is free." I grunted and complained how poor I was at the moment. He snorted at my complaint before telling me something I tried to not do in the first place. "Your blood is very expensive in the Dark Realm. Give me some for free and I'll let this off." I glared at him.

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