jeongguk took her act seriously, though.

after all, dae was a force to be reckoned with, especially when in a bad mood. he would know.

" w-what? no! no, no, no. of course not ! you are literally the skinniest thing i've seen— just because you're the furious five doesn't mean y-you're fat! it means you have five times the awesomeness as a regular furious five member!" jeongguk was flustered, words pouring out of his mouth like a waterfall. he really didn't want her to be sad. he had used all of his good pickup lines and the only ones left was for sleazes. he even sent out a little prayer to whoever could hear, just in case.

god- angels, whoever is listening-
please make sure dae doesn't get sad.
or cry.

she doesn't cry in front of people, but i seriously do not know how to comfort humans— last time i comforted a girl i got slapped and almost kicked in the balls.

i really don't wanna lose my balls.

so please, save my balls and dae. or if you can't save dae— at least give me more pickup lines.


concluding his prayer quite abruptly, he peeked one eye open to see if it worked. the sight he saw made him want to praise the lord god almighty and all his angels— because there dae sat, artificial lights casting a luminous glow on her tanned skin, eyes sparkling and teeth biting her lip as god answered his prayers.

or, at least one of them.

he still needed that pickup line.

sighing out of pure relief, he opened both of his eyes, starting to smile.

then, rambunctious laughter swarmed the air once again.

god, now this is a little too much. i asked for her not to be sad, not be over ecstatic. do you realize how hyper dae gets when she's happy? and how violent she gets when she's hyper? she's like a rabid bunny. if i get my dick bit off- i'm asking you to restore its mighty length.

" wait wait wait wait wait- you actually believed i was mad at you? dude, i'm jo haewon dae. not some petty shit who over analyzes everything and twists words!" the rosy girl managed to get through her laughter, her eyes crinkling into crescents once again. her eyes did seem to resemble the moon in that moment, shining through the darkness and jeongguk knew he would probably be remembering this night for days just from that smile.

in a completely platonic way, of course.

"but jo haewon dae is some petty shit who over analyzes everything and twists words." jeongguk huffed, defending his naiveness.

" yah! who are you calling a petty shit?" dae's eyes narrowed, nose scrunching up as her eyes bore into his. times like this, she really reminds him of the nine year old he met all those years ago.

"you would think after reading all those textbooks, one would get a bit more intelligent." he sputtered hastily, eyes narrowing too. it looks like a western cowboy movie when they're about to have a big brawl.

"says the one who didn't know what seven times three was!"

that was low.

"i was tired, okay? give a guy a break."

"you always use that excuse. you literally sleep at least 10 hours a day."

"10 hours means no shit when school exists."

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