Chapter 6: Cheater

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I took off my tattered armor, and laid it down on the floor of the cave.

I ran my hand down the inside of the chest piece until I almost pricked myself.

I picked out a small blade hidden in a secret pocket. I put the armor back on.

I looked out of the cave. I held my breath as I moved out of the cave.

The serene forest just swayed, but I knew it's many dangers. I didn't know if I was going to survive the next day, but hell I was going to try.

I pushed through the foliage; I was tempted to eat some berries but I went against it. I marked a tree every once in a while.

I broke through some leaves to find a resting, black wolf. I tried to sneak away but something flying away gave me away.

The wolf looked up at me, angered by it's awakening. It saw I was alone.

I backed away slowly, keeping my arms outstretched. I backed into a tree that I didn't see.

It approached, head down, but still looking up with its eyes, staring into my soul. It bent its legs and pounced.

I activated [Dodge] and the wolf hit the tree behind me. It shook it off and faced me again.

It growled, I was unable to move. I fought against it as hard as I could. I remembered to back to my skills.

The wolf readied another pounce,.

I powered through and moved my mouth. "[Summon Undead]!" a void rift appeared right above me and a skeleton jumped out.

It landed on the balls of its feet and faced the wolf. The wold growled and pounced onto the skeleton.

The skeleton raised its arm and the wolf bit. A sharp crunch was heard.

The skeleton kneed the wolf in the stomach. The wolf didn't let go.

The skeleton did a body slam on the wolf. The wolf clawed at the skeleton, to no avail.

And so the wolf just dematerialized into the shadow of the tree. The skeleton and I were confused, that was not supposed to happen.

We heard a grown from the tree top. A flying wolf smashed into the skeleton, scattering bones everywhere.

The wolf let out an accomplished howl. It turned to me.

During the fight, I had looked at all my skills. I knew what I had to do.

I activated [Terror Smile].

                    Terror Smile
Des: Brings forward a smile that
terrifies all that see it for 5 minutes

The wolf was paralyzed this time.

I looked down at it, smile wide. It's eyes were filled with fear.

I felt powerful and I didn't hold back my knife. I killed that wolf as merciful as I could.

As soon as I did, I felt a newfound strength rush through me.

I cast [Appraise].

                 Cason Hersan
Age:17     Level:2   Race:Human?
Gender:M  Class:[Rookie Reaper]
Rank: C  Job 1: None    Job 2: None
HP:4830/4830    MP:600/600   STR:397
DEF:342   WIS:134   INT:145    DEX:247
SPD:401    LUK:-50   ASC:0   SC:2
[Shadow Merge] Lv 50   
[Reap] Lv 50
[Scythe Mastery]  Lv Max   
[Concealment]  Lv 70
[Appraise] Lv Max
[Summon Undead] Lv 50
[Terror Smile] Lv Max 
[Sow] Lv Max
[Howl] Lv Max
[Soul Absorb]  [Life Steal] 
[Grand Slayer]  [Auto Skill Mastery]
[No-Chant]   [Language Other.]
[Undying]   [Death Stare]
[Reborn Reaper]  [Soul Stealer]
[Undead Lord]  [Cheater Of Death]
[Death's Blessing] [Death's Underling]

I took in this information, pondering what all the growth was about.

I tapped the [Rookie Reaper] class to check what it was.

           Class : [Rookie Reaper]
The 1st stage of the [Reaper] class
evolution tree
Des: A brand new [Reaper], lets
steal everyone's souls
Effects: Steal souls from monsters and humanoids to steal their stats and skills.
Can make Soul Weapons easily. Grants Skills:
[Reap] [Scythe Mastery] [Soul Absorb]
[Life Steal] [Grand Slayer] [Shadow
Merge] [Auto Skill Mastery]
Special Effect: Levels up according
to soul consumption; Ex: Lv 2 need 2
souls, Lv 3 needs 5 souls, ect.

'What is with this cheat class' I asked myself. I felt the body there, I couldn't take it with me.

I kept walking until a realization stumbled upon me.

Some random thought crossed my mind. 'Since I can steal stats and skills, I should be able to take down Harulo, the hardest dungeon that a group of heros could not beat the 16th level.' I smiled.

I looked to the sun. I located north and headed in the direction.

Getting there was a bit difficult, as I met a B ranked {Water Bear} along the way. Using the same tactic once again, I defeated it without much of a fight, killing it pretty rapidly.

Finally I reached the entrance of the dungeon in a few hours, but there were a group of wolves by the entrance. I threw the knife at the closest one, stabbing it's heart and killing it instantly.

The other wolves noticed me as their enemy. I threw punches but all the wolves died instantly, maybe because they were F rank by themselves but in a group they are D rank.

I moved past the bodies and entered the dungeon. I was stoped by a Lv 59 gargoyle that attacked me as I entered.

They took a little effort to be killed but they reformed in 5 minutes so I escaped  into the dungeon.

The first floor was just a cave setting, filled with F and D rank monsters.

As I demolished the floor, I didn't exactly feel human.

That day I conquered the 1st and 2nd floors.

                       -Silvia POV-
I delivered the news of Cason's death to the King and Kayla, the King was a little disappointed but said there was nothing to be done. He was relieved no one else died.

Kayla did not take my news seriously. "He is still alive, I can feel it." she kept mumbling over and over. I'm sure he died, since his wounds would kill a person in a few minutes, I watched him suffer in his own blood.

I never really liked Cason very much, but I had to it in order to stay with Kayla.

My friendship with Kayla has been good over the years, and I have this feeling to protect her at all costs. That's what best friends do, and Cason's presence sent Kayla crying later, so I had to protect her from Cason.

I know I did the right decision that day, and nothing can change my mind.

The Twist Of FateOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz