Usopp x Reader (smut)

Start from the beginning

You smiled and thanked him as he passed. Heading now toward the entrance of the Sunny, you pull the towel up to you, beginning to dry yourself as you entered. You planned to just get changed out of the wet clothes and then head to the dining room to get ready for lunch. Pulling the towel up to wipe the back of your neck you realize how much the towel smell like Usopp. Well after all it was his towel. Entering the girl's quarters you pulled his towel to you, before laying down on your bed. You'd wash it and return it to him later.

It was a kind gesture after all, maybe you could offer to pick up some supplies for him on the next island as a thank you. Ever since reuniting as a crew, you've taken notice of the help he's been for you. You truly did appreciate Usopp. Heading out of your room and off to the dining table where a few had already gathered for lunch. Robin; who had brought her book along with her, as well was here. You took your seat as you heard the foot steps of the rest as they start to spear. Then Usopp who, like always took a seat next to you. Smiling as you greated him, thanking him once more for the towel.

After lunch everyone mostly went back to doing they're own things again, you we're heading back to your room. Continuing with your plan to wash and return usopp's towel to him. After cleaning the towel for him you were ready to return it. Walking toward the lawn area of the ship to start your search you happened to hear Franky mention Usopp headed to work on a project in his work shop. You made your way in that direction, heading to it.  Towel in hand you began to enter the work space. But it was empty?

Letting out a quick breath you make your way to the boy's quarters instead to drop it off on his bed for him. You knocked to see if he was in there or anyone for that matter. You waited for and answer and when there was none you entered, the room empty and as you gently laid the towel down on the bed you heard it.

"...fuck." The voice was husky and drawn out, your cheeks began to feel hot as you realized the situation you were in. But you knocked! rather loudly you had thought. Didn't they hear you ? It's okay, you just have to sneak back out, you were able to do it pretty easily to get in, right? So you should be able to get out. But before you even tryed to leave, It got worse.  "..fuck. Yeah... (Y/n)"  your name spilled from their lips and you could of died right there. Embarrassed you tried to fumble for a way out. Their voice struck something in you, the way their voice sounded so desperate calling your name like that. Oh no. You had to leave this was already going to be awkward to deal with but having a positive ID of the person would make it worse right?

Quickly you made you're way through the boys mess and was just about to open the door when their voice called out once more and this time you halted. You knew now. You were positive. "Mhmm.. (Y/N/N) .." your eyes glancing over to the door to the bathroom, there was no way. Right? Usopp couldn't? He wouldn't right? But when you heard him moan his nickname for you, you stopped all movement. Then when you replayed the voice back it sounded more like Usopp than you thought. Still standing by the door you made your way straight for the bathroom.  It had gone quiet so you decided to sit on his bed. Waiting. Your heart was beating a mile a minute. And it began to thunder against your chest as you heard the movement of the door opening.

Out he stepped, eyes immediately locking with your figure on his bed with his towel next to you. You stared straight back at him. Not knowing what else to say, "s-sorry, I was bringing back your towel. You say as you stand already regretting the decision to wait. Quickly heading for the exit when Usopp stopped you, his hand grabbing hold of yours. Your chest heaving as you waited for him to speak, to say anything.

"You heard me." His voice sounded sincere, as he let out a breath. "Sorry (y/n), I didn't mean- well I mean" he began to tumble over his works and you took the risk to look at him, you pussy throbbed at the sight of this man, after hearing him call out your name like that. You never even thought you'd hear anything close to that. He had you by your soul. His dark eyes stared down at you, as you just reached out. Your hands wrapped around his neck pulling him down for a quick kiss. Shocking the two of you, you pulled back first and fast. You really didn't mean to. His hand pulls you back towards him, gripping your side as he did, "where do you think your going" his voice seem heavy and smooth as he spoke, almost like putting you under a spell. Your wide eyes stared at him as his other hand had slid to cup your jaw line, pulling your mouth back to his. Another hot kiss was placed upon your lips. Usopp was kissing you.

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