Chapter 21

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The next day, Mitch and Avi slept a little longer and had a nice breakfast, because they had been informed that Scott would spend the majority of the morning with examinations. It was shortly before noon when they finally arrived at the hospital and walked up to the information desk to ask if anything about Scott's room situation had changed.

"Mr Scott Hoying? Oh he's not longer in the ICU" the nurse informed them after she had looked into some files on the computer. "He's been transferred this morning. I need to check your IDs before telling you where he is though."

Mitch and Avi were prepared for this and quickly handed over their cards.

"Oh right, thank you. So Mr Hoying is now in the private ward. It's on the third floor, just use the elevator and go up there, then follow the signs. Room number is 3.23, alright?"

"Awesome" Avi replied. "Thank you very much."

The bearded man refrained from taking his boyfriend's hand and just walked over to the elevator. Once the door closed and they were alone, however, he squeezed Mitch's hand softly. "I'm glad that he's out of the ICU" he said.

Mitch nodded. "Me too, you wouldn't believe how happy I am" he replied, flashing his boyfriend a smile.

"Me too, Love, me too."

They exited the elevator once it arrived, their hands parted again and walked up to their room. Mitch knocked and then walked in, smiling brightly when he saw that Scott was awake and sitting up in his bed.

"At last you made it."

"Oh, do you hear it, Avi? He's better, again" Mitch joked.

"Well I'm still bruised and everything, but much better" Scott explained. "I brushed my teeth by the way."

"He's definitely better and already demanding kisses" Avi contered.

"I'm not demanding, I thought you'd want to kiss me." The tall blonde pouted.

Mitch giggled. "Oh of course. I always want to kiss you, Babe" he spoke up and leaned over Scott to connect their lips in a tender kiss. "I missed this" he whispered, before he kissed him once more, drinking in the unique taste and feeling of his boyfriend. "So much."

"Me too." Scott sighed. "Thank you." He looked at Avi questioningly and pursed his lips slightly. "Missed you, too."

"Oh Love, I missed touching you, kissing you, so much." The bearded man leaned down as well to kiss the tall blonde softly.

Avi let go of him again and smiled while looking into his eyes. "You're looking good, Love. How are you feeling?"

"Better, but I already said that before. Why don't you sit down and let me tell you everything" Scott offered. He waited until both men had sat down on chairs next to him.

"Well, after I slept for most of yesterday and tonight the fog in my head is all cleared up. This morning I had a few examinations, they looked at my knee, it's fine, there's a nasty bruise and it will definitely hurt for a while, but apart from that there is no damage" he began. "My head is still hurting because of the concussion, but it's only that, they made another scan, it's clear. My ribs are still cracked, three of them, but they'll heal on their own. My torso is now turning into shades of black and blue, but those will fade as well."

"That sounds relatively good" Mitch spoke up. "Granted, you need to take it easy for a while, but I'm happy that you're fine."

"Hmm, to me it sounds very good" Avi explained. "Looking at you yesterday and then now, it just fills me with happiness."

Triphilia - stray together, stay together | Book 2 | ScomaviWhere stories live. Discover now