Chapter 10 : Truth and Tragedy

Start from the beginning

When Tatsuya was about to depart, he saw a man carrying a canon and was targeting Mayumi's helicopter. Without any hesitation, Tatsuya used his Demon Right hand which is his dispersal mist magic and the enemy disappeared instantly.

"Nobody could hurt Mayumi. Never, specially in front of me." He said and take his leave.

" He said and take his leave

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Mayumi have safely regroup with Miyuki's Team and was on her way to Mari's team. Mayumi used her sniping power to target all the enemy near the vicinity to safely board Mari and her team. While they was about to board, 2 of the enemy soldier got up and shoot at them. Kirihara had his leg severed and Kei had been shot at his back. Sayaka and Kanon was at shock while they hold their lover, bleeding and unconscious in their arms. Miyuki went down and froze the enemy soldiers with her power.

"Onii sama!" She called to his brother. As Tatsuya heard, he land down and Miyuki said to him "Please, nii-sama"

Tatsuya casted a spell and pointed his CAD to Kei and Kirihara.

"What are you doing?" Kanon said.

Tatsuya didnt mind her and fired at them using his left hand. And with his Divine Left that holds his regrowth magic, both of them was healed and awakened, without any stain of blood or wound. Like nothing ever happened. Everyone was shock as the two of them was looking very fine. They can't believe it with their eyes and then Tatsuya take his leave again.

In the helicopter, there was silence as they think about what Tatsuya did.

"We all saw what happened. Kirihara's legs was severed and me, who almost died." Isori Kei said.

"Kei." Kanon whispered and hugs him.

"Was that a healing type of magic?" Mari asked

"It's not an ordinary healing magic, it's called "Regrowth" the power only my brother have. He can return a living or non living thing to it's normal state as long as it happened within 24 hours. In an instant he could do it without any limitations.

"Then Tatsuya-kun has an incredible power. He could save thousand of lives." Kanon said cheerfully

"Do you think it's a magic that would never ask anything in return? If casted on living things, the pain or suffering that was dealt, that suffering that will be written away so the person would return to it's original state will be felt by Onii-sama instead. The pain the person felt, will be felt by my brother 100 to 150 times more painful. That is the price he pays every time he heals someone. Do you really think, he should still use this power."

Mayumi who was surprised by what Miyuki said, almost cried because of her worries for Tatsuya.

I thought I know him, yet I don't know anything about him. Tatsuya being a special officer of the National Defense Force, his powers, what else should I know that you have never told me... Shiba-kun. She said in her mind

Mahouka Koukou No Rettousei : Tatsuya x Mayumi (Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now