1: Shocking news!?

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Hello and welcome to the corrected version of my story! I've tried to find all grammar and spelling mistakes, deleted or added a few sentences, but did nothing to change the plot, that so many fell in love with.

For everyone, who is new to this story: Please enjoy!

Ever heard some news and thought: Meh, that doesn't concern me, is probably fake...? That's what most people thought, when they heard of the study of a scientist, whose name was forgotten before he had even started speaking.

What he told, sounded ridiculous. He spoke about male mobian hedgehogs and that they are divided in ukes and semes. The difference could be determined with a few chemicals, that reacted different on the blood: it colored the blood of an uke pink and the blood of a seme blue.

Who didn't switch channels after this boring start, could listen to how the scientist told everyone, that ukes needed to be specially protected as they weren't able to do so themselves, how he offered to test every male hedgehog for free and to bring the ukes among them into a special institution to be safe, until they found a seme to protect them. It was quite nonsense and nobody with dignity even thought about going there. And within a few months, nobody remembered this.

It was a normal day for Sonic the Hedgehog, when he fought in a city against his enemy Dr. Eggman. The oval shaped man sat in the head of his newest robot, a giant monster with claws, that were bigger than the hedgehog.

Sonic spindashed it again, this time slightly touching one of the claws,that cut as a result in his leg. Sonic didn't faze this much, he was used to wounds – and this was literally a scratch compared to his many battle scars hidden under his fur.

He continued to destroy the robot, slightly wondering, why the doctor didn't curse him like always for damaging this invention of his. Meh, maybe he was just bored of those curses or didn't want to get hoarse, or something like that...

In no time, he had destroyed the robot and Eggman was forced to use his hovercraft to not land hard on the floor. Strangely, he didn't curse him still. Sonic furrowed his brow in confusion. Why? His plans were ruined! Why was he still smiling, laughing even?

Suddenly, the giant screen, that was hanging above him at a skyscraper and that normally just showed news and stuff like that, flickered and Eggman's face appeared on it. "You think you won, Sonic, but not this time!," he laughed. His voice was echoing, the whole city or even the whole country got him on every screen, Sonic mused.

"I finally found out something against you, you pesky pincushion!" "And what might that be, Eggy?," Sonic asked, bored. He didn't know, what he could mean. He didn't have anything to hide.

"Remember that scientist from a year ago, who found out about male hedgehogs being divided in ukes and semes?"

"Uh...no, not really. Tails told me about it, but I forgot it.," Sonic shrugged.

Eggman facepalmed. "I forgot that you are as clever as a feral hedgehog.," he muttered. "Hey, even a feral hedgehog could beat you, Eggbreath! Now get to the point already!," Sonic growled, tapping his foot impatiently.

"As I was saying, male hedgehogs like you are divided in the weak males, the ukes and in the stronger ones, the semes. With some chemicals, you can test the blood of a hedgehog and it'll change colors – and that's what I did!"

"Huh?" Sonic looked at his still bleeding leg. "That's right, my clawbot stole some blood from you and I did the test while you were busy destroying it. And now, look at that!"

He held up a small glass with a light pink fluid, so everybody could see it. "Pink means uke, so the great Sonic the Hedgehog is nothing but a simple, weak uke. How does it feel?," the doctor taunted, letting his camera zoom in on the hedgehog.

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