Chater 4

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Here is the next chapter, finally. Sorry i took so long with this chapter i just haven't had much time to write lately, school has been crazy.

Chapter 4

Kol's POV

"Don't drink the champagne."

What? Why shouldn't I drink the champagne? My mind travels back to when Elena told me that she was going to talk with my mother. I immediately become worried, what did Esther do and why did Elena kiss me? Not that I'm complaining. It was the first kiss I've had in over a hundred years. I give Elena a shy smile, she blushes, and then she looks back towards the staircase; I notice my mother has disappeared from.

"Elena darling," I start slowly looking her in the eye. "Should I be concerned about my mother's intentions?" I inquire. Elena turns away from my gaze, looking around the room with a worried expression.

"I, I, ah... need to tell you something... But not here," Elena stumbles out slightly. Looking around the room myself, I spot all my siblings, except Finn and my mother aren't in the room either, yet I can feel her gaze on me. I quickly realise that Esther has told Elena something troubling and Esther doesn't want me to know; that's why she can't tell me here.

"Of course," I reply, understanding now. Before I can ask to take Elena home, the mayor is in front of me talking and Elena is a few feet away talking or rather arguing. When did that happen? While pretending to listen to the mayor and nodding every now and then, I listen into Damon's and Elena's conversation.

"Did you get what you want?" Damon growls, while giving Elena a hard glare.

"Actually, yes." She states firmly.

"Good." Damon hands her a coat that I assume belongs to her. "Time for a ride home, we're leaving." He say's gripping her arm; Elena struggles to get free of his grip.

"No... Damon, let go of me." She says annoyed and frustrated. I sharply look over at Elena; ready to rip Damon's head clean off. Elena glances over at me shaking her head slowly, indicating to not come over. It takes everything I have in me not to walk over there and rip Damon to shreds for even laying a hand on Elena. I step back briefly, baffled, how can I care- no concerned, that's sounds better, about Elena. I've what, known her a couple hours, how can one girl, a doppelganger no less, make me feel so... I don't finish my thought, as I hear Elena continue to argue with Damon. "Look, I'm sorry I went behind your back, but I needed to talk with Ester... Find out if she could help us." Elena looks over at me, when she utters the last part, and gives me a small smile.

"Well I'm sorry for trying to keep you live," Damon say's exasperated. "Clearly Stefan doesn't give a crap if Mother Original killed you." He snarls.

"Are you mad at me for trying to kill Klaus, because that's what I was trying to do up there," Elena nods towards the staircase.

"No, I'm mad at you because I love you!" Damon bellows, angrier than before. He still has a firm grip on my arm; he looks me in the eye's, realizing what he had just said. I already knew that Damon loves me, it's one of reasons why he didn't want me to come here; talk with Esther, considering that not too long ago she tried to kill me. I remember being trapped in that burning car, it got hotter as the flames got higher; thinking I was going to die, along with Stefan. I assume the only reason I'm still alive is because I helped her; although not by choice. Imagining that she's going to kill me when she finds out that I stopped her plan makes my blood run cold.

"Well maybe that's the problem!"

Elena's POV

I blurt out before I can stop myself. I immediately recognise the hurt in his eyes, I know it hurt him but it was the truth. Damon is just lining up to get hurt, I know we have some kind of connection but I was never going to let anything romantic happen. I was in love with his brother, I can't just switch from one brother to another, what kind of person would that make me? I don't want to be like Katherine, don't want to be the reason why they hate each other like Katherine was, I refuse to do that. Just because you don't want to be with Damon doesn't be you need to go crawling to an Original, my subconscious tells me.

I watch as Damon's eye's go as hard and cold as people believe his heart to be, he glares at me with such an intensity I suddenly feel scared. Before he or I can even move a muscle , Kol is right next to me growling, but only loud enough for Damon and I to hear. Damon slowly raises his hands up in surrender, and gives Kol a wide, cold , evil smirk.

"Oh, look here comes the hero, here to stop the villain, which I must say is surprising ," Damon say's with a hint of jealously behind his words. A huge smirk makes it's way onto Kol's face as he replies.

"Ah I wouldn't say hero. Rather sexy original vampire, here to stop the very much less attractive vampire, who is so stupid to even think about hurting an innocent and I must say beautiful women." Kol winks at me. Not being able to help myself I blush.

"Since when do you care," Damon practically spits out.

"Since you deiced to hurt darling Elena here." Kol gestures to me standing next to him.

"Well I don't think it's any of your business." He stares at Kol as if he glared hard enough he would just dissipate and then he would never cause any 'problems' again.

"Well I am making it my business, because you can't seem to keep your filthy hands to yourself." Kol looks at Damon as if he is something he stepped on. "Now, I think it's time we left. Shall we, Elena?" Kol offers me his arm, and I glance at Damon before letting him lead me away. I know I shouldn't be leaving with Kol, it's a mad idea right? He's the bad guy, isn't he? It kind of felt like Damon was more of the bad guy tonight. I know that Damon just wants to protect me, but I don't need protecting, and Stefan and Damon need to realise I can protect myself sometimes. Sometimes. I just hope that this is one of these times.

Walking down the steps of their house, well more like mansion, I ask, "Wait, where are we going?"

"I'm taking you home of course," Kol answers, a smirk slowly making its way upon his handsome face. Right, of course, duh Elena, I tell myself.

"Why, ever the gentlemen, Mr Mikaelson," I say playfully, grinning up at him.

"Of course, what else would I be, fair Elena," Kol replies, equally as playful, but still holding the slight smirk.

Arriving at my house, I'm surprised; Kol can drive so well for someone who has been locked in a box for over a hundred years. Suddenly a wave of sorrow washes over me, I try to shake the unwelcome feeling away.

"You drive well for someone who has been locked in a box for over a hundred years." Even I can hear the minor wobble in my voice; I try to hide it with a smile. I still can't seem to figure why my voice gets a little shaky when I think about Kol being locked away, hurt. I shouldn't even care, I hardly even know him.

Kol grins at me like a child who got the last piece of candy. "Elijah taught me how to drive." just smiling back at him, we walk up towards my door and stop on the porch. "Elena darling, you needed to tell me something about my mother?" I immediately feel an uneasy feeling settle in my stomach. I guess this is it, I have to tell Kol that his mother is planning on killing him, and his entire family.

Taking a deep breath I say, "Your mother is planning to kill you and the rest of your family."


dun dun dun...

Thanks for reading and please review

~ Natalie

Irresistible ( the vampire diaries)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora