Chapter 3

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Okay so here is the talk with Esther, wonder how well this will go...

Chapter 3

Elena's POV

As soon as I walk into the room where Esther is, I immediately notice that something is burning. Looking around the room I spot Esther, I give her a questioning look.

" It's only sage," she looks at me answering my silent question. " I've spelled it so we can speak freely without fear of being overheard," she finishes. I look at her slightly relived that know one can hear us. " You must have a million questions for me, Elena please," Esther gestures for me to take a seat. " There is away for me to undo the evil I created." I knew it! She's going to help us kill Klaus. For a second, the briefest second, I feel bad for Klaus and Caroline. I guess Klaus is interested in Caroline and she did wear the dress he got her. I think she might like him just the tiniest bit too. I quickly cast though's thoughts away, Klaus is a terrible person and needs to die and Esther can do that.

" You're gonna us kill Klaus, aren't you?" I ask to make sure we're on the same page.

" One thing at a time Elena. For now I simply need your help," Esther states as a matter of fact. " I understand Rebekah shared the story of my family. How I upset the balance of nature by turning my children into vampires."

" She said you did it to protect them from the werewolf," I find my self defending her past actions.

" It's true. But in no time at all they began to feed on human blood." that's what vampires do, I think but don't dare say it out loud. " They ravaged the town with no remorse. Eventually, Niklaus turned against me."

" How are you gonna kill him? He's immortal," I point out.

" It will take time, magic, and your assistance," Esther demands more then asks. I'll do what I need to, to make sure Klaus dies, He's done one to many bad things to come back from. Then I think of Kol, he's the same as his brother, yet if Kol were in Klaus' position, I wouldn't be able to hurt him. But this is Klaus, he hurt me and my family, I remind myself.

" What do I have to do then?" I ask my mind made up, this is the right thing I tell myself.

" My children believe I'm holding this ball to celebrate our reunion. But in truth, I've gathered them together to perform a ritual. The first step requires blood from the doppelganger. Only a drop," she say's as if this whole ordeal is nothing more then cooking dinner. It sends a chill down my spine, not the good kind. Where is she taking this? I wonder. " It's essence will be in the champagne toast later on this evening." she looks at me while she's holding a small dagger. " Will you do it? Or shall I?" Esther inquires. I noticed there was no 'you don't have to do this if you don't want to' statement.

" Wait," I say quickly. " What will this do?" I can help but ask. I hear her sigh.

" They must all drink the champagne in order to be linked as one," Esther explains, sounding annoyed. Not caring, I continue, I need an answer before going though with this.

" What do you mean linked as one?" linked as one? As in all the Mikaelson sibling linked together?! Why would she do that. No it can't be what I'm thinking, she wouldn't really do that would she?

" You said so yourself Klaus can't be killed. But tonight spell links all my children together so that if one goes, they all go."

" What?!" What on earth did she just say?! Is Esther actually going to kill all her children, I mean I understand Klaus, but everyone else.. They don't all deserve to die, Not even Rebekah. How could Esther kill her own children.

" I love my family, Elena.. But they are an abomination. I betrayed nature when I created them. It's my duty to kill them," Esther declares with zero amount of compassion in her voice. I cannot believe this! She's going to kill all the originals, I won't help her, I will not be responsible for their deaths. I give Esther the most disgusted look I can manage and shake my head.

" I will not help you kill them." I tell her with strong conviction. "I can't believe you're so willing to kill your own children." Within seconds, Esther is glaring at me, if looks could kill, I'd be dead.

" When I said I needed your help, it was not a question," she states deadly calm. My heart starts to race faster and faster by the second, I don't want to do this, I don't want to help her.

" And I said, I will not help you kill them." I quickly rise from my seat, hoping to get out of this room as fast as possible. As soon as I'm on my feet, Esther grabs my arm. My heart is pumping so fast I think I'm going to faint.

" I am not giving you a choice, Elena. You will help me willingly or I will take your blood by force." I look into her eyes, seeing nothing but determination and rage. I try to yank my arm from her grasp but I can't.

" I guess I'm going to have to take your blood my force then. I would say I'm sorry, but in all honesty, I am not." Esther rips off my glove from my left hand and holds it over a bowl. She then takes the dagger and slices my wrist. I have to grit my teeth together in order not to yelp, It's not like anyone would hear me anyway. As soon as she's finished she releases my arm. I look at her, repulsed.

" Oh don't look at me like that, you wanted Klaus dead. And now he shall be." Esther say's like It's the simplest thing in the world.

" But at what cost! They don't all deserve to die!" I yell. I have to stop this somehow.

" All vampires deserve to die!" She counters.

" No they don't," I tell her softly but firmly.

" Enough." She states, with a wave of his hand. " Now you will not under any circumstance, tell any of my children what I've done or are planning. If you do, the consequence will be your death."

Walking down the staircase, I look around the room to see everything the same as when I left. Once I find myself at the bottom of the stairs, Kol is standing directly in front of me.

" Elena," Kol say's worriedly, offering me his arm. Giving him a stiff smile, I take his arm, and he leads me towards the bar. When we both have a drink in our hands, Kol speaks.

" Darling, how was my mother?"

" Intense," I reply, truthfully it was, Kol's looking at me with an intense gaze, waiting for me to continue. This is it, I need to tell him what Esther's plan is. Kol and his sibling, aside from Klaus, don't deserve to die, and I won't let them. She wouldn't really kill me would she? Isn't that going against everything she; witches believe in, killing innocent people. I guess I'm going to find out soon. " Kol, Esther.." I don't get to finish, I'm interrupted by Esther of all people making a toast. During her speech waiters pass around champagne to everyone, including us. My heart speeds up, I can't let Kol drink it, but how can I stop him without Esther knowing. Looking from Kol to Esther, I notice that she is staring at me as she say's cheers. I look around the room and watch everyone, including the other originals sip their drink. Quickly I turn back to Kol, he gives me a worried look, then slowly start to raise his glass to his lips.

" Wait," I say, quickly as possible. Kol stops his movements and looks at me confused. Moving so I'm right in front of him, with only about an inch of space between us, I lean up and place both my hands on his cheeks. Hearing his breath hitch, I smile and he's gazing down at me like I am crazy, I can feel people's gaze on me, I don't care. Ever so slowly, I lean forward and place my lips upon his, in a sweet gentle kiss. Kol kisses me back almost immediately, his free hand cupping my cheek, and suddenly the kiss becomes more passionate, I moan softly. When I finally find the strength to break away, I don't move an inch away from his lips as I whisper as softly as I can mange.

"Don't drink the champagne."


Hope you liked this chapter, did you? Ooo what's going to happen in the next chapter when Esther finds out Elena told Kol?!

P.s I love reviews, the more reviews the faster I update.

~ Natalie

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