Irresistible ( the vampire diaries)

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Okay so as i said this story starts at the beginning of 3x14, i hope you like it :)

Chapter 1

Elena's POV

The doorbell rings, I really don't want to answer the door. It's going to be Stefan or Damon and I really don't have the energy to deal with them this morning. Despite my better judgement I go to the door to answer it. I open the door to find no one there, I feel really confused until I look down. There's a letter. I pick up the letter and go inside. My name is clearly printed on the front. I open the letter to find that it's actually an invitation.

Please join the

Mikaelson family

This evening at 7;00 for dancing, cocktails and celebrations.

I turn it over to make sure there's nothing on the back. There is.

Elena, I think it's time we finally meet,


The original family are having a ball, I didn't expect that. I guess I should go and find out what Esther wants. Maybe she has a way to kill Klaus, I can't pass up the opportunity to find out. I'm going to have to tell Stefan and Damon, I bet they will have something to say about me attending. No matter what they say, they cannot stop me going.

I head up stairs to my room, as Stefan and Damon leave. I told them about the invitation to the ball and of course they forbid me from going and insisted on going in my place. Like that's going to stop me. It's my decision to go or not, not theirs. I need to find out want Esther wants, or I know I will regret it. Then it struck me. I don't have a dress to wear! It's a ball, I can't just wear one of my normal dresses. Ugh. I sit down on my bed and sigh. After a few minutes the doorbell rings. God, it better not be the Salvatore's back again.

I sigh again and head back down stairs to get the door. I open the door and discover a beautiful black box with shiny gold ribbon tied around it. I pick up the box and take it back to my room. I really want to open it to see what's inside but I also don't want to. With my luck, I wouldn't be surprised if there were a bomb or something in it. I decide to open it anyway, you only live once right, well... That's not really true.. I'm just gonna stop thinking about this right now. I open it.

I gasp. It's a very beautiful, elegant ballgown, I take it out of the box to get a better look. The gown is black and gold with black ribbon around the waist and just below the beasts, that tie up at the back. It's just what I needed, I smile at the dress in awe, but who would've got me a gown. Damon, nor Stefan would of, considering they don't even want me to go. I look back to the box and see a note on the bottom. I pick it up and read it.

Dear darling Elena,

I have heard a lot about you and would love

to finally meet you. I hope you like the dress,

I'm sure you will look ravishing in it. ;)

- Kol Mikaelson

Wow. I cannot believe Kol; Kol Mikaelson sent me a gown for their ball and wants to meet me. Why? Why would he want to meet me, not being able to help myself, I smile. I didn't think that after the note from Esther my curiosity could grow anymore, I was wrong. I don't think I should tell Stefan or Damon about the dress, or note. They would probably chain me to my bed to make sure I didn't go. I look at the time it's 12:00 now, I decide to go to the grill for lunch with Caroline, then come back and start getting ready.

Kol's POV

I vamp speed over to the famous doppelgangers house to drop off the dress. I don't really know why I got Elena a gown for the ball. I knew the ball was extremely short notice and I imagined she wouldn't have time to shop. I was going to just leave the dress and no note, leave her wondering who sent the dress. But I couldn't help myself, I felt compelled to add a little something so she would know it was from me. I didn't want either of those insufferable Salvatore's taking credit.

I walk up to the door of Elena's home and ring the doorbell and flash away, but somewhere I can still see her reactions. Elena opens the front door looking quite annoyed, for a second I wonder what's bothering her, then cast the thought away. Then she looks down in confusion at the box on her door step. She picks it up and takes it inside, I hear her walk upstairs. I go around the house to find a tree to lean on outside her bedroom window so I can see her expression when she opens the box. And reads the note I left, I smirk.

I watch though the window as Elena, walks into her bedroom and sits the box on her bed. She stares at it for a minute, deciding if she's actually going to open it. She finally takes off the lid. I hear her gasp! I grin to myself, knowing I picked the perfect gown for her. Elena takes the gown out all the box and stares at it in awe. Then a look of confusion crosses her beautiful features, a face much beautifuler then her ancestors. The confusion disappears once she notices the note in the box. I watch as she reads the note and a smile graces her face. I smile as well, despite myself.

After that I leave, knowing I shouldn't of stayed as long as I did. I remind myself, love is a vampire's greatest weakness. I vamp speed back to the mansion to get ready. Still, I can't wait to finally meet Elena tonight.

Elena's POV

I enter the grill, looking around the room until I spot Caroline. Once I sit down at the table with her, we both order something to eat. When I've finished ordering I make the decision to tell Caroline about the ball, and most importantly, about Esther and Kol.

" Okay, care I got an invitation to the Mikaelson ball tonight," I say slowly.

" Ah, I did too," she reply's equally slowly.

" And.. There's something else, well two something else's," I say hesitantly.

" Which is..?"

" When I got the invitation this morning, it had a note on the back from Esther." I pause. " She wants to speak with me," I reply.

" Really? I wonder why?" care says.

" I think she may be secretly on our side. Remember what was in the locked coffin was meant to help us defeat Klaus."

" But she's his mother, why would she help us kill him?" Caroline asks, skeptical, as our food arrives.

" I don't know but it's worth finding out." Caroline just nods her head eating her chips. " And also, Kol wants to meet me apparently," care raises an eyebrow, in question. " Kol Mikaelson," I say, blushing slightly remembering the note, while I take a bite of my burger.

" Why are you blushing?" she inquires.

" Oh, I, ah was just remembering the note that came with the dress he gave me," I blush again.

" He got you a dress!?" Caroline whisper yells.

" Well yes, when I took the dress out of the box, there was a note at the bottom, it said he wants to finally meet me. " She looks at me with a look I can't quite place.

" When I got my invitation, I also received a dress and there was a note on the back.. From Klaus," I look at her dumbfound. Klaus got her a dress aswell, what's with the Mikaelson men buying dresses for women.

" Are you going to go?"I ask

" Are you going?" she resorts.

" Yes, I need to find out what Esther wants, and I guess Kol wants to meet me." I reply, determined.

" Okay, then I'm going as well." After we finished eating, and talking about Stefan, Damon and just other random things we both leave to go home and get ready.

Once I've finally finished getting ready, I grab my wrap and head downstairs. Before I make my way out the door, I also get my purse. I get in my car and drive to the Mikaelson mansion. When I get there I give my keys to the valet and head to the front door. I take a needed deep breath before walking inside, to the lion's den.

First chapter finished, next chapter the ball. Elena goes to see Esther and gets to meet Kol. please review :)

~ Natalie

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