Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS [Part 4]

Start from the beginning

Gregor shook his head. "Tricky, you don't understand."

"I'm an android. Cut me!" Tricky demented just as the Doctor, Lexi, Sky, Clara, Jupiter and Lucas all arrived.

"You made it through." Clara sighed when she saw them.

"What's the matter with you?" Tricky questioned, frowning at Gregor as the Doctor and Lucas tried to help Gregor pull the rod free. "Why won't you cut me?"

Lucas looked to Gregor, letting go of the rod. "Tell him."

Tricky raised an eyebrow. "Tell me what?"

"You can't, can you?" The Doctor asked Gregor. "You're a coward. You won't save him, but you're scared to tell him why."

Tricky looked from the Doctor and Lucas to Tricky. "What're they going on about?"

"Remember the question I asked you on the salvage ship before we came into the TARDIS?" Lucas reminded him. "I said I wasn't an expert in robotics. But, I do know enough to figure out that a robot wouldn't need a blast suit."

"And they don't need respirators either." The Doctor added. "They don't get frightened of monsters in the dark."

Tricky glanced from them to Gregor. "What're they talking about?"

"Two bionic eyes and a synthetic voice box." The Doctor said, shining his sonic in Tricky's eyes before putting a hand on his uninjured shoulder. "But you, my friend, are human. Flesh and blood."

Tricky then looked back to Gregor, staring at him, hurt and lost.

"It was a joke... It was just a stupid joke." Gregor confessed. "We did it to relieve the boredom."

Lucas rolled his eyes. "Oh, It was very funny." He said before looking to Tricky. "They lied to you and changed your identity just to provide some in-flight entertainment."

"I'm sorry." Gregor apologized. "You're human, Tricky."

"Cut the metal." The Doctor just shook his head. "Cut the metal! Go!" He clapped his hands before Gregor picked up the laser and started cutting the rod.

Inside, TARDIS, Another corridor...

Lexi was now glaring at Gregor, said man trying to avoid her gaze as the Doctor lead them all down the corridor while Tricky staggered along at the back, his arm bandaged.

"Where are we?" Clara asked as the Doctor stopped at a door and looked through its round window.

"Power source." He answered. "Right, you lot, wait here. I'll check if it's safe. We can only survive for a minute or two in there."

Lucas tilted his head. "What'll happen if we stay longer?"

"Our cells will liquefy and our skin will start to burn." Sky spoke up as he walked up to the door, looking through the window.

"Oh, well, if that's all." Clara rolled her eyes as she went to stand next to Lucas.

"Right, Sky, keep this door shut." The Doctor instructed as he opened the door.

𝑫𝒚𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑬𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒔 ☆ The Glorious Series ⦅ BOOK 2 ⦆Where stories live. Discover now