//questions for le characters//

761 35 29

dear reader(s),


nothing? oh okay

so since this book is doing so well,,,, and I feel really guilty for being inactive for so long I wanted to do something for you guys.

I try to show my appreciation for you guys and getting my books to the iNSANE numbers you get me to, (my jjp book just hit 1.1k and I'm in actual tears)

My books in my opinion could be so much better and I thank you for all your support. I will become better for you guys, I owe it to ya. so let me shut up and lets get to you asking the characters questions!

// Q U E S T I O N S //






the café staff (Jaebum, Jay, Mark, Jackson // please specify who your question is for)

Chinese Side Character Line (Cheng Xiao and Jun // please specify who your question is for)

Thai Side Character Line (Sorn, Lisa, or Ten // please specify who your question is for)

answer chapter to follow!
once again thank you so much

answer chapter to follow!once again thank you so much

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