What Am I Feeling?

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~Gaara's P.O.V~

What am I feeling to this girl? She's so kind to us, and I feel odd, but its a good thing. Maybe I should ask Temari. She smiles like an angel, its unbearable To not look at her. 

~ Your P.O.V.~

I hope that I'm treating them well. Especially Gaara. Why would he ever love me? A human, worthless girl that is nothing to him.


~Gaara's P.O.V~

"Temari?" I asked, when (y/n) left the kitchen. "Yeah?" She replied. "I feel weird to those new girl. But good, what is is it?" I asked, holding my chest. Temari giggled and said,"You're gonna have to ask her yourself, Gaara!" (y/n) came back in the kitchen. "Watcha laughing about, Temari?" She asked. I had turned bright red, and Temari was giggling how I was in love with (y/n). "Gaara,"  (y/n) turned to me, "are you okay? You're really red right now, do you have a fever?" She put her hand on my forehead, then held my cheek. "You seem okay, what's the problem?" She looked so worried. "I'm fine, thanks." She smiled.

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