Different Dimension

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~Your P.O.V~

I pulled out a laptop and a small (Earth) world map. I opened my laptop and signed in. Then I opened the map. "Okay, right now, we are here." I pointed to (city) (state) (country). "This is your imagination map, right?" Kankuro joked. Temari hit him with her fan. "Kankuro, this isn't funny! She's trying to explain to us, and you're joking around!" she said. "You're not even paying attention!" he yelled back. "Don't mock me!" she replied. "Idiot!" he said. "Crybaby!" she said. "I guess I can only explain to you." I looked at Gaara. He looked perfectly calm. Oh, he so gorgeous... Back to the point. "So we're here, and Suna is not on here because you're in a completely different world. Or should I say, dimension. Suna," I went on my laptop and searched up naruto map. "is here. In the other world, your world." Gaara looked a bit confused. "I'm sorry, I'm not good at explaining." I said. He nodded and smile. Wait. He smiled, at me. Act cool. I smiled back. "Yahh!" I turned around to see Temari holding up my favorite teddy bear, about to throw it at Kankuro. "Mimi!" I said. I ran up to Temari and Kankuro and snatched the bear out of her hands. I sighed in relief. I put the bear down gently next to Gaara and he looked at it. "Just hold it." I walked back to Temari and Kankuro. "Okay, you guys, you can stop! If you want an explanation of where we are, you can ask Gaara." I walked back to Gaara and picked up my bear. "Today, Kankuro, Gaara, you sleep in my mom and dad's bedroom. Temari, you can sleep on my bed. I'll sleep on the couch." I went back into my room to pick up my blankets and two other stuffed animals. I was surprised to see just Gaara in the living room. "You can go to my parent's bedroom," I reminded. He looked up at me. "It's okay. I'll sleep here tonight." he said calmly. "O-okay." I set down my stuff and ran back to the room to get some covers for Gaara. He took them and set them down. I crept under the covers and turned off the lights. I was surprised when he said, "Goodnight."

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