"Oh yeah, Sky came back today...I ended up selling a building to Gaara from the Sand Village to expand his music, film, and photography industry. So he ended up sending her as one in charge" Tsume said. 


I glared at her while returning to Hana's question. "It didn't end well...her daughter ended up giving me a kick in the face while she slapped me...Oh did I forget to mention her son gave me a death sentence and lastly she is married" I said while feeling the same lump in my throat... 

They remained speechless. Hana was about to say something "But didn't you hear what happened-" until Tsume shushed her. 

"Let him be he is grown enough to fix this situation alone and figure out what he truly desires" was all she said while getting up and walking away. Hana sigh and got up following Tsume lead. 

I was left alone again...in my own damn thoughts...


So this asshole is the Kiba Inuzuka whom I wanted to be reunited with my mom again. What was so special about that bitch...he was rude, cruel, and selfish...seemed like nothing from the photo I found back at home.

Right now I was in my room fixing my things.

After the welcome back party, we were driven to our new home which so happens to be next to Boruto's home. Inojin and Shikadai don't live that far either just two blocks down. Sarada is the only one who lives a little farther than us. 

I sigh as I fixed my archery gear. Mom gave me special archery gear which she got in a very expensive pawn shop. She also added one of her arrows within mine own. She told me to take care of it since it was a gift from her real mother. 


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Soon a knock was heard in the door. I opened it to reveal Summer. 

"Say let's go explore!" she said while dragging me out without any response from me. I guess why not. Soon we ran out the door while yelling "I'm Going Out!"

Our mother laughed as we ran out yelling "Be Safe"

Soon Summer let go as I was able to gain my breath again. 

"So where are we going," I asked while she spun around looking at all the flowers and green scenery. 

"Boruto sent me a text to meet him at Ichiraku Ramen," she said while opening up her maps to guide us there.


Summer can make friends at an instant as for me...my only friend was Shikadai at middle school back home. I usually never talked to anyone. Must be the reason why I am shy especially towards girls.

I was lost in my own thoughts till I bumped into someone.

She had long purple hair tied into two braids each falling perfectly one each side. Along with bangs. Her eye color was also the same as her hair but a little bit darker. She wore a cute purple school dress of some sorts.

I noticed I was staring at her too much that she began to fidget around.

I blushed and brought my hands up towards her body fanning them around like crazy.

"G-gomen!! I d-didn't mean t-to bump into y-you" I said while shying away.

Soon she grabbed my wrist while I blushed at the sudden contact.

"G-gomen...I wasn't l-looking where I-I was g-going" she said while blushing.

So she the shy type too...

I nodded my head. I look up ahead to notice my sister had left me...again...

But this time I'm seriously lost...since we are not in the Sand Village...

"Ah...by any chance y-you know where I-Ichiraku at..." I said while trying so hard not to stutter.

She nodded while smiling.

"Hai that's where I'm heading right now, " she said while we walked together.

"So you're new here?" She asked finally feeling comfortable around me. Which was fast...

"Hmm...yeah...my name's Leon," I said trying to ease my tension around her.

"That's a cute name..." she said while blushing.

"A-arigato..." I said.

"My name's Sumire nice to meet you hope we can be friends," she said while smiling at me.

I smiled at the girl...maybe this village isn't so bad after all.

"Hai," I said with a grin.

And finally, we made it to our destination turns out she also was meeting up with Boruto's gang.

We all sat down and ate the most delicious ramen ever. I met many new people who were so kind and funny. Especially Mitsuki is quite the funny guy along with Iwabe and Denki.

I was having a fun time...with my new friends.


This just might be home...just like how mom said... a reason why she loved her home town so much...

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