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"Hey Leon did you do the math homework," asked my sister while we were putting our things in our lockers. I swear she can be so clueless. 

"Hmm yeah," I said while grabbing my English notebook. I was begging to leave while trying so hard not to laugh. I love teasing her...

"LEON!!! STOP BEING MEAN!!!" She yelled while stomping her feet. I turned around and smirked while walking up to her. I unzipped my backpack and handed her the homework. She smiled and gave me a hug.

"Arigato Onii-chan," she said while stepping back and skipping to class while waving goodbye. I smiled and walked to my first class. As I walked some girls would look over and smile or wave to me. I would do the same until....

"Ohayo Leon-kun...umm...would you like to eat lunch with me," said this really cute girl but...I came out really shy when it comes talking to girls.

"'t know...y-y-you," I said while blushing and panicking as to what to tell this girl.  She looked at me and wait for an answer while I kept on blushing and looking everywhere but her. Soon my savior came...

"Ohayo you see my friend here is having lunch with me...right Leon," Shikadai said while grabbing me into a headlock. The girl then smiled and walked away saying goodbye that next time. 


"You saved me...again," I said while we both walked to class. 

"You should at least try to not be so dad says it reminds him of a friend," he said while laughing. 

I just glared at him.

"Anyways I didn't see your sister where is she??" he asked while looking around for her. Now it's my turn...

" you miss my onii-chan Shi-ka-dai...she might have asked for you who knows," I said while smirking at him as he blushed. 

"Just kidding," I said while keeping my straight face and walking into class. 

"HEY THATS CRUEL!!" He yelled while grumpy walking into class and taking a seat next to me. I smiled while looking innocent as he glared at me. Soon class begun, the teacher was talking about a romance novel while I just ignored him and zoned out...


For me to fall in love...yeah is just a feeling one gets due to the attraction and personality of another person that interest you...true love is just a such thing exist. Love may be an amazing feeling and sparks within you but it can also bring pain and tears once someone makes a stupid choice. Maybe due to immaturity, the responsibility, social status, and so on. Love is just a waste of time. Romance and all that crap are just an extra to life, what is the true meaning of it anyways...seriously if you do think about it if you take away sex then what do you have within the relationship. Will the guy stay? Will the girl stay? 

As I thought about this I just stared out the window seeing the sandstorm from a far distance...looks like it may be just a false alarm...either way Summer and I should stay with uncle Shika and Aunt Temari...



"Sai have you contacted Sky," asked my wife. I was scared. Terrified. Many damn thoughts ran through my head.

"No she hasn't picked up," I said while calling Sky for the 10th time.  Inojin was watching the news as he was trying to call Summer, Leon, or Shikadai. Ben was with his new girlfriend Nikko paying attention if her name or Ren, Summer, or Lean were called out. 

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