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YEARS LATER (Introduction to Summer and Leon)

"Babe are you ready it's almost time for us to leave and drop off the kids at school" yelled my husband. 

"I'm coming just I need to take some stuff to work today," I said while smiling and coming down the stairs with some folders of pictures I took of models and new song lyrics. 

Soon my daughter comes out of the kitchen with a toast in her hand. While she is holding her bag for school. 

"Papa we are not kids anymore besides we are graduating from middle school and off to high school and I am becoming the most beast soccer player just like Uncle Ben when he was in high school!" yelled Summer. Oh, Summer, she loves her uncle, Ben, whenever he would come over he would show her the yearbook at the high school he and I went, along with her uncle Sai too. 

"And maybe I will find my true love!!! Just like how Momma met Papa" She said while twirling around in her dark green dress. 

Then walking down the stairs was my son Leon. In his usual attire of wearing a button up white shirt with dark green shorts. 

"Do you always have to be so loud...hey Papa do you think I can hang out with Shikadai after school," Leon said while walking down the stairs helping me out with the things I was about to drop.

"Of course," Ren said. 

Shikadai is Shika and Temari son, gets quite along with Leon who is Summer's twin. While on the other hand Summer gets along with Inojin. Sai and Ino son. Ben and Sai try to visit during vacation whenever they can since Ren and I are usually always busy with work from the Sand Village. Apparently, Gaara has a big project and is going to speak to us about it today. 

"Hey Momma when can we go visit our uncles in the Leaf Village. Inojin says we can do tons of things there that aren't here" asked Summer. Taking them to the Leaf Villages...I never thought of that?

"We will think about it sweety," said Ren while walking next to me and grabbing my hand while intertwining my fingers with his. I looked down and smiled. Noticing our wedding rings signifying our marriage and vow of being together as lovers. 

"Even granny Tsunade said we should go and visit with grandpa Kakashi. It would be nice to visit them since we can only video chat and call" added Leon.

"Maybe we should visit...but we would have to really think about it. Because there are lot more people I would love you two meet" I said while smiling. 

Leon and Summer smiled and high fived each other. 

"Okay kids grab your coats today there might be a sandstorm. And if there is what is the drill" I said while putting on my coat. 

"Stay with Uncle Shika and Aunt Temari," they said in unison.

"That's right," I said while remembering that Ren is going a little far due to a film he is making. 

"Honey will you be alright...maybe I should join you," I said while thinking about the idea. 

"No its fine I will be home safe just like any other day," he said while kissing me on the lips. I smiled and kissed him back. 

Soon we all got into the car and left the kids to school. I smiled while they waved off joining Shikadai into the entrance. 

"Even though we adopted them when they were 10 years old they have grown so fast," Ren said while he reminded me of that day...


"Sky...and if we have a baby..." Ren said while blushing at his sentence. We were married for a year now. I thought of the idea and smiled. 

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