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After Kiba showed me around the enormous house he told me to quickly come back with my belongings so he can show me my room and where would I be living. He didnt want me to come tomorrow like Lady Tsume told me to... Throughout the entire tour he was distant...cold...and emotionless.

Just like is this how I act around those whom I decide not to get too close....

I wonder what happen to the person who he will never forgive was his mom at the restaurant when he left running out. The same night where we first locked eyes...

But he did say because of you he left...I wonder who this person is...must of been someone really close to Kiba.

I noticed I was almost home...home....I guess it wont be my home for a while now. 

"Tadaima" I said while walking in and taking off my shoes. I am seriously gonna miss saying that SIGH

"Sky-kun" yelled Benny while running up to me and hugging me. "BOOBZILLA" yelled Sai joining in on the conversation. 

"GOD DAMIT SAI " I yelled at him while he left walking away. "So how was your interview, did you get because I got mine. This Jiraiya guy seems to be a rich fella because he is related to the Uzumaki's also he has a adopted daughter name Nikko. She is really quiet and shy, but cute" Ben says while smiling. 

"Same here the Yamanaka's are known for their flower work in large events and flower expos throughout the country and some parts of the world." Sai said coming back with drinks for all of us. We were sitting in the living room. "Their daughter Ino is quite the chatter box" He added while smirking.

"I guess we all are working for rich people because I am working as a personal maid for the Inuzuka's ...well Kiba Inuzuka to be exact. " I said while remembering the news I have to tell everyone here. 

"Hey why the face arent you suppose to be happy" Kakashi sensie came and sitting in the sofa in front of us.

"Well part of the job is that I have to live there...."I said while hiding my eyes through my short bangs and looking down.

Everything became quiet...

"Its just for now" said Sai while bringing everyone out of their thoughts. "No one can break our bond" he said while he took out his pinky...

I smiled while a tear slipped out of my eye.

"Hai" both me and Ben said while intertwining our pinkies together. 

Kakashi just smiled at how close we have become throughout the years. Soon Ben and Sai helped me out by packing my belonigngs. I decided to leave come things just in case I come fro a sleepover or what not.

Kakahsi offered to take us there, soon we only like two boxes. A duffel bag, and a backpack in the back part of the car. We piled in and off we drove into the night. 

Soon we came to the Inuzuka mansion and they helped me unpacked in front of the doors. The doors unexpectedly open revealing Kiba. He just stared at us. "One of the butlers here can help you" he said while walking off. 

"Well I guess this is-

"AAAAAhhh Sky-kun" yelled Ben while crying and Sai soon dragged him off of me.

"Bye guys...I will come and visit its not like Im leaving the village" I said while we all hugged it out and soon they left in the car. 


Its a chilly night and day too good thing I am wearing a sweater. Soon I noticed the butler took all my belonging inside and to the designated room. I walked in and noticed Kiba by the stairs.

"Follow me" he said while beginning to walk. "Okay Kiba" I said while he grabbed my wrist and looked at me dead in the eye.

"Its Master or Master Inuzuka " he said while letting me go and kept on walking. I look at my wrist and see the markings from his hand that it was there. That will surely leave a bruise..

"Yes Master" I said while walking up the set of stairs...

Not only is he distant, cold, mean....he can also become violent...just like Sai when I first him when he came into the orphanage. But that change because of me.


I was eight years old.

"Say say Kakashi sensie what are you doing" I asked while I see him fixing a new bed into my bedroom. Where I sleep alone. 

"Well you are going to have a roommate. You age to be exact so why not have company." He said while finishing up . Then he left while I waved happily at the car awaiting for my new best friend. Maybe...

Soon I walked in and played with Deidara san and Tobi san.

"Ne do you think my new roommate will like me" I said while finishing my coloring.

"Of course Sky you are like super nice and fun to hang out with." Tobi said while helping me color.

"Yeah and quite hectic with full of energy" Deidara san said while rubbing my head. Soon the door opened and I ran to the entrance to see a pale boy with jet black straight hair along with black orbs. 

"Hi my name is Sky" I said all cheery while he simply glared at me and hid behind Kakahsi...




"We are here" I said while she seemed to zone out of her thoughts...she looked at me and what I saw had shocked me....

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