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I cried...I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I tried to wake him up but he wouldn't open his eyes...he wouldn't say a word. My hands and clothing were full of blood. He was in a terrible accident that leads him to his death...Why...Why me...Please don't leave me...don't leave us...your family...what am I going to tell Summer and Leon.

"Ren..."I cried out I touched his face smearing the blood. He was one of many who died on the edge of the city due to the storm. 

"Please don't leave us..." I cried out even more. Soon the forensics came to take the body. I didn't want them to take him away....not yet..."WAIT NO PLEASE A LITTLE LONGER!!! Please..."I begged as I hugged Ren. Not caring how bloody my clothes were gonna be. 

"Mam please let us do our job..." one of them said while the other patted his shoulder. "Let her have her time...besides we still need to take the other bodies," he said while the other nodded and understood my emotional situation. 

I cried even more till the sandstorm was begging to calm down. I was hugging Ren...asking myself why...why out of all people it had to be him...

Slowly he was the last body needed. The guys from before came and took him away from me...that's when I knew this wasn't a nightmare...it was a reality.

"Ren..."I said before one of the cops took me back to the village. While going on my way I received a phone call from Sai...well actually 30 missed calls from him.

"Hello..." I cried out on the phone. 

"OMFG SKY FINALLY!! PLEASE TELL ME YOU GUYS ARE ALRIGHT!" He yelled while I tried so hard not to cry. 

"Sky...whats wrong," he said. That's when I lost it. 

"Ren...died...."I managed to say as I cried. Sai didn't say anything else...he was speechless. 

Soon he calmed me down and said that he will be coming over asap. That's when our call ended. 

The officer dropped me off at Temari's house. I thanked him as he said something about claiming my husband body once I receive the phone call from the forensics and police station. 

Soon I walked up to the door and knocked. By now the storm has weakened. The vision of the roads was visible. 

As the door opened Shika saw me in a horrible state with my clothes stained from dry blood and dry tears on my face due to that fact I have cried a lot. Sand all over me and my clothes. He frowned and hugged me so tight. 

"Shika..." I cried out but he shushed me. "Your kids are here," he said. That's when my eyes widened. How am I going to tell them? 

He slowly brought me in while bringing his finger up to his lips. And signaling me over to the couch. Summer, Leon, and Shikadai were asleep. I looked over to Leon and Summer and saw their hands intertwined as Leon was embracing his sister in a protective hug. 


I was lost in my thoughts until Shika took me out of a trance. 

"Go wash up," he said. He was right before they wake up. As I walked up the stairs Temari was walking down. Seeing me in my current state she didn't say a thing. She simply hugged me and told me to get clothes from her room. 

I thanked her and quickly went to wash up and change. As I was done and walking down my kids were awake. 

"MOM" they yelled while hugging me. I embraced them so hard and thanked the lord they weren't taken away from me too...

"Where Dad" Summer said while smiling waiting to see her father. That's when I cried and fell to my knees. 

"Mom....what happened," Leon said while going down to my level. Shika and Temari were trying to calm the kids down. 

The Maid and Master ✔Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant