Chapter Five

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And he's right. For the most part anyway. All day, every single chance Niall gets he sneaks in all kinds of questions about Louis, crude comments about other aspects of Louis.

Zayn, bless his heart, is more discreet with his questions, less pushy, and he only asks a few, trying to get a feel of what Harry thought of the older man. Every single time his name is mentioned, Harry's cheeks burn crimson. He didn't think he was being that obvious about his attraction the previous night. He hopes Louis didn't realize it as well, how embarrassed would that be?

Gemma pulls up into the parking lot as Zayn, Niall, and Harry step out of the school.

"So, lads, you two want to come hang out at my house again this afternoon?" Zayn asks, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket to block the skin from the chilly wind. He turns a teasing grin to the curly haired boy, wiggling his eyebrows playfully. "Louis will be there," He teases, nudging his elbow in Harry's side.

The change in topics doesn't change the pink tint that comes on Harry's cheeks at the mention of that name. "I would, but I promised I'd help my sister go shopping for an outfit for the party. Guess I'd better get an outfit of me own while I'm at it," He narrows pretty green eyes in a halfhearted glare at both of the boys beside him.

"I'll come hang out, Zee. I already have an outfit for the party. Not that I'll be wearing much of anything soon into it." Niall grins playfully, biting his lip as he glances at the dark haired boy from beneath his lashes. From his place, Harry even hears the hitch in Zayn's breath, causing the curly haired boy o simultaneously blush and groan. Zayn has the audacity to glance at Harry and blush fiercely, smiling contently to himself as he throws an arm around Niall's shoulder.

"Okay!" Harry says loudly, to get off that topic as quick as he can, clapping his hands together in front of his chest. "There's my sister now. Bye, mates."

He ignores Niall's snickers that follow that statement, not really sure why he's making that noise but not really caring much at this moment to find out, and heads to his sister's car. Admittedly he's a little bit disappointed when he sees Niall and Zayn getting in Zayn's car through the windshield, knows they're off to see Louis, the gorgeous man from yesterday. But he has no reason to feel that way, Harry tells himself, frowning as he wonders why he's feeling like this. He just met the man yesterday! He sighs under his breath, his sister pulling out of the parking lot, and gazes out his window.

"Hey, H." Gemma greets, reaching out to turn the radio down a smidge.

"Hey, Gems." Harry returns the greeting, pulling his gaze off the tree line just long enough to flash his sister a smile. "How was your day?"

"Long," Gemma groans dramatically, lifting one of her hands off of the wheel to run through her hair, pushing stands out of her eyes. "I've been so ready to go to the mall all day."

"That makes one of us, then." Harry snorts quietly, leaning his cheek against the palm of his hand. He doesn't get an answer, because Gemma starts squealing and eagerly turning the radio up as one of her favorite songs as she claims, Slow Hands, fills the car. The beat is catchy, Harry has to admit, as he finds himself bobbing his head along to the beat.

Gemma parks the car in the closet parking spot to the front doors as she can find, before pulling the key out of the ignition and pushing open her door. Harry follows her lead, clutching his jacket closer to his chest as a strong gust of wind his them, the car partially blocking Harry from some of it.

"This is going to be so much fun!" Gemma shouts grabbing Harry's arm when he's in distance of her and yanking him to the doors.


In the Name of Love (Larry Stylinson)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt