Part 22 - Strike Down Your Fear... Or Jean

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Apologies for the long (and late) chapter. This one is mainly just some down time at HQ, I'm not very good at these kinds of chapters which is why it's taken me a while to publish it. It's going to kick off again in the next part, so hopefully you can stick with it through this boring one until then ;)

With Ymir gone I found myself with little to do except hang around Levi's office. I liked the company but the same couldn't be said for Levi, our meetings would often end with him kicking me out for being a "distracting brat". I always got to return at night though and to my surprise nobody seemed to notice me sneaking to Levi's office when it got dark. Levi found the evening company to be a revelation, when it was time to sleep he would wrap his warm arms around me and I'd rest my head against his chest to listen to his heartbeat- it was strangely calming. His breathing would slow and sometimes he fell asleep even before I did.

Levi was a beautiful sleeper. His lips would part ever so slightly and his expression was relaxed, he never wore his stressed out scowl; it was nice to see him get some peace. I had no such grace when I slept and Levi didn't hesitate to call me out on it, mumbling to himself about how he would have to change the sheets again because drool had slipped past my lips while I slept.

That morning Levi harshly nudged me awake and I groaned, rolling over in the bed and covering my eyes from the sun with the duvet.

"10 more minutes~"

"My ass. I've been shaking you for damn near 10 minutes. Get out of bed, you look like a drowned rat."

I was getting far too used to the comforts of Levi's high standard sleeping arrangements. The expensive lacquer on the oakwood bed frame made it shine and Levi always kept it well polished. Not to mention his soft bed linens half the Cadets in HQ would have killed for if they could only feel how luxurious they were. With our world in it's apparent doom how could I deny myself from sleeping a little longer?

"My life could end any time, you know? To think you'd rob me of closing my eyes for an extra few minutes and-" I hummed in approval and released a satisfied sigh, "drifting back to dreamland."

I peered one eye open and stole a glance at my Corporal to see if the outburst had changed his mind even a little- Not a chance.

"Drift to the shower, you stink."

I groaned loud and sat up, making my immature tantrum noticeable to Levi- who paid no attention at all and instead simply sat at his desk to begin his papers. He was already clean and dressed, ready for the day; I accepted defeat and trudged to the bathroom.

My bed-ruffled hair poked out weirdly in all sorts of places and was crying out to be brushed. I wondered if Levi thought me unattractive in this state.

He did say I looked like a drowned rat...

Poking my head from the bathroom door I stared towards Levi again.


I called out in a tone that made it clear I was going to ask him an uncomfortable question. He only sighed and continued writing without a glance at me.

"Yes, (Y/N)?"

It still made me freeze up a little hearing him say my first name, and so gently too...

hiatus-We'll Meet Again | Levi x Reader |Where stories live. Discover now