Chapter 25: Leaving

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"So what kind of ice cream do you want?" Skylar asked looking at me. I couldn't decide. There was like 40 million different flavored to choose from, well, more like 25, but still. I had narrowed it down to three different flavors pistachio, bubblegum, and chocolate mousse. I was craving them all.

I turned to the poor ice cream scooper guy. It was like 1 in the morning. They must have stayed open because of the dance tonight. That was good thinking on there part. It was a good business strat-"Miss?" I was snapped back into reality.

"Uh? What?" I asked, I must have been wandering again.

"What kind of ice cream? How many scoops? Type of dish?" he replied in a monotone voice.

"I would like pistachio, bubblegum, and chocolate mousse in a waffle bowl, please." I said with pep.

"That's nasty." I heard him mutter under his breathe.

"Do you want to say that louder?" I asked rudely. People sometimes. They were just screaming to get punched in the face.

He walked away silently to get my ice cream. Skylar already had his ice cream. He taunted me. I finally got my bowl of deliciousness. I took in my hands as if it were my baby. We sat down at one of the window seats. I was still in my fancy dress, and Skylar was still in his tux. It was nice to just sit quietly and eat.

I swear I must be a magnet for trouble, because halfway through the ice cream, Derek walked in. I whispered at Skylar to put his head down, and try to hide his face. It's not easy to disappear when you are in formal attire.

We made it through him ordering the ice cream without being noticed. It was a good start. I had finished my ice cream, and went to throw it away.

Derek spotted me. His eyes locked onto mine, then flicked to Skylar. The guy behind the counter tried to hand him a container of ice cream, but he was too focused on Skylar. He stalked towards him like a predator. I didn't understand why he was so angry. He grabbed Skylar by his tie, and dragged him out of the shop. Skylar was to shocked to fight back. I stood at the trash can for a few seconds before I ran outside after them. Derek was circling him like an animal. Skylar was so much shorter than Derek. His eyes were flooded with confusion. "What the hell, Derek?" Skylar said. Derek stopped circling him, and got right up in his face.

"Don't what the hell me, you little brat. I should be asking you why the hell I got a call from my sister. She was crying hysterically, and said that you broke up with her. I should be asking why the hell you are out on a date with Quinn, and not with my sister. Did you cheat on her? Huh? Did you hurt Shadow, Skylar?"

"No, man. She broke up with me. Quinn was having a bad night too, so we decided to get some ice cream. I don't want any trouble." Skylar said putting his hands up in surrender.

"Are you saying my sister is a liar? I think you're a liar, Skylar." Derek sneered. "And I especially hate liars." He punched Skylar square in the jaw. Skylar staggered a little bit before regaining his balance, and wiped the blood off his lip. Derek swung again, landing his fist in Skylar's gut. "You are weak. Pathetic. You won't even fight back." Derek mocked. He pushed Skylar to the ground. I watched as Skylar's head hit the concrete. I thought he was dead, but his eyes snapped open and looked at me. They pleaded for help. I couldn't move. I was struck with fear. Derek jumped on top of him and started going at his face.

It seemed like hours had passed by. Derek was punching Skylar relentlessly. Blood was pouring from his mouth, and Skylar was unmoving on the ground. Derek got off him, gave him one last kick, then started towards me. "Derek! What the hell! Get away from me!" I screamed. I started to run towards the street. Derek grabbed my arm, and pulled me towards him. I squirmed. I tried to fight him. I didn't want him to touch me. Not again, not ever.

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