Chapter 3: Perfect Date

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I walked down the stairs wondering nervously about what was going to happen tonight. I saw my mom chatting with Derek in the entry way. He glanced at me and smiled brightly. I felt very awkward in my tight dress. He turned towards me, and I saw the big bouquet of roses in his hand. They were deep red, and matched my dress and his tie. "You look beautiful"

 I blushed, "Thanks." He handed me the roses. "They are beautiful!" I smelled them Their sweet smell intoxicated me. Derek reached into his pocket, and pulled out a little black box. He handed it to me.

"Open it." he instructed. I opened the box to find the necklace I had asked Maccy for before. Derek took it out and tied it around my neck. I smiled brightly.

"Thank you so much, Derek. I love you." He was so sweet to me.

He smiled back at me. "Are you ready to go?" he asked politely. I nodded. He took me by the hand and led me out to his car.

 "So where are we going?" I asked giving him a big smile. He smiled back but said nothing. "Derek, where are we going?" I said a little more abrupt.

 "I'm still not telling" he said with a huge grin. I slouched in my chair with defeat. He snickered at me. I frowned at him. "Don't worry, Quinn. You'll like it." I kept my frown, showing that I didn't care. "If you keep on frowning, your going to be stuck like that forever." I glared at him.

 "Will you just please tell me where we are going!" I begged, putting on my puppy dog face. He was being difficult. 

 "Nope, you don't get to know. Do you understand the meaning of the word surprise?" He joked. 

"No, do I look like a dictionary?" I bantered back. 

 "Oh shut your mouth" he teased. I did as I was told, and I smiled as I did. He hated it when I ignored him. He turned on the radio, and started rocking out to Ke$ha. I couldn't resist. We r who we r was my favorite song, and I soon found myself shouting the words along with him. It was an about a two hour out of our small town to the big city, and I could see the city lights. It was about 10 now, and I wondered what restaurant would still be open. He drove through the city to a large Victorian building. He parked, then helped me out of the car. We walked hand in hand into the giant building.

 The entryway was painted gold, and the tiles were marble. After the entryway was a mass ballroom. It was filled with people in extravagant dresses and tables piled with food. I was amazed. Derek led us into the ballroom, and sat down at a table marked Derek Lamont. I wondered how in the world he got a reservation here. I looked at the menu, and  sat it down as soon as I saw the prices. I looked at Derek. "How in the world am I going to afford this?" I whispered.

 "Who said you were paying? And you don't have to worry about it. My parents might own the place." He blushed.

 "WHAT!" my mind was blow. Derek did not look like the rich type. He dressed nice and had a fancy car, but he never said anything about being loaded! He smiled at me, and called for the waiter. He ordered for me and him. When we got our food, it was delicious. I was flabbergasted by everything. Once I finished, Derek stood up, and asked me to dance. I shook my head. "Derek, I can't dance, I can barely even walk without tripping."

 He gave me a big grin, "I can show you." He lifted me out of my seat, and rushed to the dance floor.

There were lots of people dancing, so I didn't feel very self conscience. We danced and danced until I couldn't feel my feet anymore.

 We made our way back to his car. He pulled out and started driving again. We weren't going the way we came. I was very confused. "Where are we going now?" I questioned.

 "Another surprise" Derek said. He looked a me and smiled.

 "Great." I replied. There was no animation in my voice.

"You're not happy?" He asked, looking at me with a hurt look on his face.

"I just thought we were going home. You have already given me the best night ever." I said with a smile, and his face lit up too.

 "Don't worry, this will be a lot better than home." He gave me a big grin. I was tired. After a few minutes of driving, I fell asleep.

 I woke up to the gentle touch of Derek lifting me out of the car. I wrapped my arms around his neck and snuggled into his chest. He turned us. "Look." he whispered with a grin. I looked up and saw a small log cabin. It had Christmas lights strung everywhere, and smoke coming out of the chimney. It was like I was in my own fairytale. Derek leaned down and kissed me softly on the cheek. "We are staying for the weekend. Don't worry, I already checked of it was ok with your parents." he said as he whisked me inside and laid me on the couch. The inside looked like a model for a cozy winter getaway home. It had the cute fireplace, the plushy couches, and an adorable rug to top it off. I was in such amazement, I didn't realize that Derek had left. He came back inside with two suitcases. "Maccy packed for you." Oh god. Please help my wardrobe.

 I yawned loudly. "Let's get some sleep, babe." Derek said in reply to my yawn.

 "Sounds like a plan." I yawned again. I grabbed my suitcase, "Where's the bathroom?"

 "There's one through there." he pointed to a large wood door. I cracked it, and peaked inside. I felt Derek come up behind me, and wrap one arm around me. He pushed open the door, and flicked the lights on. A four poster bed caught my eye. It was huge. (well compared to my twin bed, anything was huge). To the right was another door which I assumed lead to the bathroom. I turned around to face him. I gave him a quick peck on the cheek, and started getting ready for bed.

 After brushing my teeth, combing my hair, washing my face, and putting on a tank top and shorts, I climbed into bed. I was exhausted. I was soon greeted by the warmth of Derek's body. I could feel his wash-board abs on my back while he wrapped his arms around me. He pulled me close. I felt self conscience all of a sudden. My body involuntarily shivered with excitement. He slowly turned me towards him, and kissed me when I was facing him. I smiled and started drifting off into sleep. "I love you, Derek." I said sleepily.

 He kissed me on the forehead, and whispered "I love you too." I drifted off into sleep.

---author note---

So I'm kinda in a rut. I don't know what I should do know because i am totally lame. While i think about what i should write you should.....

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Have a great day,


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