Chapter 7: The Kindness of a Stranger

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When I opened my eyes I expected to see bright lights, but I was met by a dark sky and the cold pavement, and my body ached. I could barely move. The wind passed me, sending a chill down my bare body. I tried to cover myself as best as I could, and curled myself into a ball. I silently prayed for someone to drive by and see me. I waited and waited, and nobody drove by. I started to drift off, but my body was shivering uncontrollably. I didn't know if it was from what Derek did, or from the cold.

I hugged my legs tighter, hoping I'd get warmer, and I let myself drift away.  

I gently closed my eyes for a second, only to be startled by the honking of a car horn. My eyes snapped open to the blinding headlights of a car parked a few feet from me. The driver side door opened, and a dark figure started towards me. I couldn't see his face, and he grabbed something out of the back of his car. What was going to happen now? I couldn't move, and it was probably just going to happen all over again. Why couldn't Derek have just killed me, and spared me.  

He came closer with something black draped on his arm. A body bag? I'm not dead.. Can't he see that? He kept on coming closer. Why couldn't he just leave me alone!

He knelt down in the light of the car. He was about 16 or 17. He had short, dark hair, with chocolate brown eyes. His face was full of sincere concern. I stared at him with hurt in my eyes. He wrapped a blanket around me, and picked me up. "what's your name?" he asked so sweetly. He was so warm, and his arms were strong. I felt... Safe.

I could barely manage a whisper, it was more like a breathe, but I got it out, "Quinn." I didn't want to talk any more. I wanted to cry. I tried to stop a sob coming up, but my throat made a loud choking sound. He brought my head into his chest, and I let it out. He carried me to the car while I was sobbing. He didn't press me for questions, he just held me in his arms. It was so strange that a person I barely knew gave me so much comfort. He sat down in the large backseats once I had calmed down, and took off his coat. He stepped outside the car, and shut the door. I quickly slipped on the dark hoodie, and tapped on the door. He opened the door back up and slid into the seat next to me. "What," I croaked,"is your name?" my voice sounded so shaky.

He looked down at me. "My name is Christian. Do you want me to take you to a hospital?"

I shook my head. "Please don't make me go."

He nodded, "I won't. Do you want me to take you home?" I took a moment to think about it. What would my mom say? Would she forgive me? How could I face her like this? She would be so ashamed of me. What would my dad say? He would be furious with me. I couldn't go home.. Not just yet.

"I can't go home." I told him. My voice still sounded small, unimportant. He just nodded again. We sat in the car silent for a minute, until an idea sparked in his eyes.

"You can just come stay at my house for a couple days. My sister, Elise, can help you. She's a nurse. You can stay as long as you need to."

How could I say no.. He was the only one willing to help me without my parents knowing.. I nodded to him. He wrapped the blanket around me, and gently buckled me in. He got into the divers seat, and drove off. Once we got going, I heard his phone go off. He picked it up. "Stop worrying, ok. I got your tampons. I'm running them by right now. Ok. Love you too. Bye."

"Christian, where are your parents?" I asked finding a bit more strength in my voice. He looked at me through the rear view mirror.

"My parents died a couple years ago. I live with my sister."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry" the smallness of my voice returned. "you are being so kind to me.. Thank you."

He turned down a few more streets, and we pulled into a hospital parking lot. "I'll be right back." he grabbed a bag from the passenger side, and left. I figured he'd be gone only a couple minutes, but it had been 10 and I was starting to worry. Did he get a hospital attendant to come help him bring me in? Was he going to force me in there like Derek forced me? My thoughts had been confirmed by a young girl in a lab coat walking next to Christian. She opened the door closest to me. She smiled.

"Hi, my name is Elise. I'm Christian's sister. Can I have you come inside for a little bit so I can get a proper overlook of you?"

I looked to Christian who was standing beside her, and looked at Elise, then back at Christian. I knew I should have gone in, but.. I couldn't. I didn't feel like I could do anything at the moment. I didn't need doctors looking at me, telling me what I already knew. I shook my head to Christian, and scooted away.

"Don't push her, E. She's been through enough." Christian told her as he shut the door. I could hear bits in pieces of their small quarrel, like how i really need to see a doctor, and how he should have called 911. I just sat awkwardly in my seat. Soon, we were driving away from the hospital.  

We pulled up to a small apartment complex. I looked at the dash, and the clock read 3:47 am. How long had Derek left me on the side of the road? My thoughts were interrupted by Christian opening the door for me. He lead me to a small apartment. It was homely. There were lots of pictures on the walls. There was one couch and a tv next to the kitchen, and a small hallway. He gingerly lead me to what I assumed was his room. It was well kept, with only a few loose pieces of clothing strewn across the room. I turned around to ask him something, but he wasn't there. He came back with a small pile of clothes in his hand. He left the room and I changed.

He came back, and told me to sleep in this room. I climbed into bed, and wrapped the covers tightly around me. After he left, the shock wore off and the pain hit me. My right eye throbbed, and there was a huge gash underneath it. My left wrist hurt to bad to move. I looked over my body and saw bruises everywhere. It was like Derek had left his finger prints all over me in purple and blue ink. I cried. I balled my eyes out. I tried to keep quiet, but it was no use.

Christian came in to check on me a couple minutes later. "Are you ok?" he asked. I answered him with a choked sob. He came over and sat on the bed. He brought me onto his chest, and stroked my hair. He sat with me until I finally calmed down, and then he got me a glass of water and some Tylenol. He turned to leave.

"Stay please." I have whined/cried. He came and laid down next to me over the covers. I felt safe with him next to me, and I fell asleep in his comforting arms.

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