Chapter 12: Worst Day Ever

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I was nervous about my first day back at school. I was scared to see Derek, I was scared to be near Derek, and I was scared that he would approach me. I had already puked three times from nerves. I didn't think I could do it. I had already missed two weeks, and I really needed to catch up.

I could barely get the key into the ignition. I was shaking so bad, but I had to do this. If it wasn't today, it would be tomorrow, or the day after. I couldn't put life on pause while I got myself together. I had already put off telling my mom; I couldn't put off school. The decision was final. I was going.

I turned the key. I was actually going to do this. I felt the gurgling in my stomach. My body was betraying me once again. I quickly opened the car door and puked up my breakfast. My hands shook as I returned to my place. I forced myself to finally start the car and back out the driveway.

I got to school in a little under 10 minutes. This didn't make me thrilled. I parked, and grabbed my empty book bag out of my back seat. I kept my head down. I slowly made my way into the school.

I opened the doors to be greeted by nobody. The halls were pretty much deserted except for the select few students that had arrived especially early like me. I went to my locker, and pulled out my morning class books. I was suppose to meet with all my teachers about make up work, so I went to my first period class room.

Mr. Thomson was one of those people that ask to many questions, and never shut up. He taught the majority of the history classes. I loathed his classes. They were boring, and he sucked at teaching. When I walked into his room, I was surprised he was silent. He just got up, handed me a paper, and sat back down. I looked at the paper. It was just a list of assignment I was to do. At the bottom it said "It is understandable if you wish to stay home, just make sure you turn in your assignments on those days."

It's understandable?!? How does the school know what happened?!? I haven't even told my mom. I felt the urge to go throw up again, but I held it in.

I made my way to my next class's room. Geometry. Gross. I wasn't looking forward to getting the homework from her. Mrs. Andes was a quiet lady. She has a very high comprehension of math, so it makes it hard for her to teach simpler math. Also, most of the kids in her class are rowdy and try to do stupid things while she teaches. It's very frustrating for the good students, but there wasn't anything we could do.

I walked into her class room. She was writing a large equation on the board. "Hello, Mrs. Andes. I was wondering if I could get the homework that was assigned while I was gone."

She stopped writing and smiled at me. "Of corse. I have a paper for you right here." She said as she walked over to her desk and handed me a similar paper as the one Mr. Thomson gave me.

"Thank you." I said as I left.

In the end I got 6 papers, identical in format all saying I could stay home and do my work there. I was appalled at the amount of homework I had. It seemed like only a few days work, and I had been gone two weeks.

I came back around to my first period class, stopping at my locker to throw my coat in it. There were a lot more people in the halls. Nobody took a second glance at me. I wanted it to stay that way. I didn't want to draw attention to myself.

Nobody was in the room, so I chose a seat in the back. I rested my head on the desk and closed my eyes. I heard a group of giggly girls come in. They laughed and made chitchat with each other like nothing was wrong in the world. If only they knew. They were so dumb, naïve, oblivious. If they only knew a fraction of what happens in some people's lives they would be shocked.

More people filed in. They all had bright smiles on their face. Why the heck were all these people so happy?!?! I understood why when Mr. Thompson read the school bulletin.

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