Ch9: Impatient knocks and Sour tequila.

Start from the beginning

"I'll never tire of this, I want you always" I whisper, meaning it entirely and hearing his reply just before my body surrendered to sleep:

"Always... It'll always be you and me".


I awaken to Troye patting the back of his hand clumsily against my cheek and sleepily mumbling something that makes no sense to me... "Get it Tilly, me sleep"

'Get it?' Get what I think to myself, my brain still slow as I awaken from my nap. Slowly I begin to understand his words as my senses wake up and I hear someone knocking at our hotel door. I groan, not wanting to leave the warmth that is this bed and Troye's body as his long legs stretch out across mine.

"Tylerrrr... please" begs my groggy, lazy boyfriend. I sigh and shift my legs, causing his to slide off me. I shout that I am coming to the impatient knocker, unreasonably irritated at whoever is hammering on the door. I slowly swing my legs out of bed and grab my boxers that still lie discarded on the floor from earlier. The knocking stops and I hear Alfie's voice shout out Troyes and mines names questioningly.

"Yeah, yeah I'm coming" I grunt. I wonder what can be this urgent as I hastily step into my boxers and make my way to the door. As I open it I am careful to stand behind the wooden panel. I poke only my head into Alfie's line of sight feeling self-conscious in only my underwear.

"Are you okay? Where's Troye? Alfie questions, a look of confusion spreading across his face. I blink back at him, still confused to as why he's been hammering down on our door.

"He's in bed. Why? Why are you here?" I mumble at him, too sleepy and confused to phrase it in a friendlier way.

"In bed? Is he okay? And Tyler, why on earth are you currently a floating head?" Alfie questions, a confused expression still lingering on his face. Jeez, I think to myself. This is hard work.

"Believe me you'd blush if you saw my body right now and Troye is..." I mumble before he cuts me off.

"In bed because of the reason I'd blush if I saw you right now"

"What? No, well yes but no. We were sleeping until you rudely awakened us- without it seems a real reason why" I grunt back. I don't want to be having this conversation, I just want to climb back into bed and inhale the soft skin of Troye's neck until I fall back into a deep sleep. I sigh at him as he shakes his head and pulls his phone out of his pocket, thumbs searching through his contacts, still I note with frustration, not explaining the reason for his presence.

"Tyler... come back. It's cold without you" I hear Troye call out, his needy voice tugging at my heart. I look at Alfie as he holds his phone up to his face and I swiftly close the door on him. If Alfie can't tell me why he's here then I'm going back to bed to snuggle up with my man. Before I can take two steps, I hear another knock that is painful to my sleepy state. I reopen the door.

"What Alfie? Why are you here? Let us sleep" I snap, bored of this conversation already, and eager to escape to Troye. I hear Alfie reply with a smirk, telling me that I'm being rude but all I can think is that he is still not answering my question. I glower my eyes at him, my lips smacked shut and by the sudden lack of his boyish smirk I assume he understands that I'm getting beyond annoyed.

"Dinner? We have dinner plans remember? The cab has been waiting downstairs for ten minutes already. When neither of you answered your phones, the other two cabs left for the restaurant but our cab is sat waiting".

I silently curse myself, instantly feeling guilty for being so rude and bad tempered. How had we completely forgotten to set an alarm? How had we forgotten our dinner plans? The visual of Troye unravelling under my touch flashes through my head and as a blush creeps up my cheeks I remember we had both been pretty distracted and then exhausted earlier this afternoon.

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