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Grayson picked the best time of the year to come to Hawaii, Spring. The air is filled with love.

I stand on the balcony and look out toward the ocean, I don’t feel like I deserve to be here, like I don’t deserve Grayson. Suddenly a pair of arms snake around my waist.

 “hey babe.” He says with his chin resting on the top of my head (short people problems). I turn around so that I'm facing him, “hi Bailey.” I say wrapping my arms around his neck, Grayson clenches his jaw, “hey,” I say moving my hand from his neck to his cheek, “I like that name.”

Grayson catches me by surprise when he lifts me up onto the balcony, “and I like the name Krystal, but I don’t go around calling you by your middle name.” he says giving me a kiss on the lips.

I smile against his lips and part us from each other. “this is why I love you.” I say softly, he looks me in the eye, “Tomma Krystal McKnight, I love everything about you.” he pauses, “even though you're short.” He adds laughing.


I slap him on the chest lightly, “it's not my fault, you're the giant.” I say loudly. Grayson takes me off the balcony, “no! No! Ego volo ad manere inSolarium! (No! I want to stay on the balcony!)” I say giggling. Grayson laughs and pulls me into the room.

“wha-“ I ask but was cut off by a soft kiss implanted on my lips.

I was shocked and looked at him with my eyebrows raised, “that’s my job!” I playfully yell, Grayson looks at me and smiles, “not anymore.” He says.

You want all of him. Not just his lips.


I do.

A/n sorry for the short chapter. But daddy Dolan's nearly here. Chapter 12! Ily all. Double update.

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