Bonus Chapter-2

Comincia dall'inizio

I took a cab to De Luca Corporation. In almost 35 minutes I was standing in front of the tallest building I have ever seen, reflecting sky at its top through its black glasses.

Before I can pass through the front door, two guards stopped me and asked for identification. I immediately showed them my application form and ID, they nodded their head and cleared the way for me.

I entered the lobby area, which was occupied by a number of people, whispering and talking among themselves.

I went to the receptionist and told her " I am here for the interview..." Before I can complete.

"I know why you are here, tell me your name" she said in an expressionless robotics Voice.

"Onika Coulin." I replied politely.

She typed something in her computer and said "Candidate number 121, take the seat over there" she pointed over the left side of the lobby.

Number 121, holy shit, it's going to be a long wait.

After, waiting for two hours, I was chewing my lips in nervousness, I am the next candidate.

"Onika Coulin" the receptionist announced.

I immidiatly stood up and went to her.

"Take the elevator to 58th floor, from there Mrs. Griggs will guide you to the COO's office." I nodded my head and mumbled a thanks.

As I got on the 58th floor, a lady, supposedly in her late thirties, told me to follow her, I guess that would be Mrs. Griggs.

On my way I heard two ladies talking.

"This is the seventh time I brought coffee for Jacob Sir, I guess these empty headed girls are giving him a headache. He doesn't seems to be impressed by any of them, yet." She said, throwing me a dirty look, I tried my best to ignore that.

I was standing outside the COO's office. I read the name plate, displayed on the door.

Jacob Knights,
Chief Operating Officer,
De Luca Corporation.

Jacob Knights, I mumbled thoughtfully beneath my breath, before knocking at the door with shaky hands.

'You will do good' I consoled myself.

"Come in." Came a deep velvety voice.

I opened the door to reveal, a gorgeous man, with dark eyes, smiling at me. His smile creating two pits on both sides of his cheeks, a few inches away from his perfectly shaped lips, giving him a childish look and I involuntarily relaxed.

After interviewing hundreds of candidates, since the last two hours, and after what I just now heard outside, I didn't exactly expected him to hold that million dollar smile on his face. I mentally noted, this guys has got some great patience and mannerism.

A friendly aura was radiating from him which eased my wrecking nerves. I expected that the COO would be a man in his early forties, with a scary face, and not this hottie sitting over here, just a year or two older than me.

I was brought out of my trance when I heard that sexy, deep velvety voice again.

"Staring is a bad manner, you know." He said, his friendly smile morphing into a teasing one.

What?! Oh fuck. My eyes widened in realisation

"I..I....wasn't staring." Of course, I was, can you blame me?

I mentally face palmed myself, I may have to kiss the job goodbye even before the interview has started. Well done.

"Sure you weren't" he said, his eyes swirling in amusement.

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