Chapter 25

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"Harry get up!" I ordered, "-we need to start training together." Still he slept. Seriously guys are so annoying, especially little brothers. I narrowed my eyes in thought and looked at how Harry was sleeping.

He was sleeping on his front with his right leg hanging out of the bed and the duvet loosely wrapped around his waist. I grinned to myself as I came up with an idea, and one that I knew would make him get up. I walked around to the far side of Harry's bed and gripped the sheet before pulling. Harry rolled out and fell on the floor with a cry of surprise. I giggled to myself as his head appeared from the other side of the bed.

"Lila" he hissed, eyes narrowed in anger and I stuck my tongue out at him as he jumped to his feet. I screamed and dashed out of his room, nearly running into one of my demons as I did so.

Harry chased me down the tunnel as I ran towards the library. Our footsteps echoed as the dirt crunched beneath our feet, it was then that I remembered Harry was only wearing socks and the floor was covered in stones and other sharp objects.

"Crap" I muttered under my breath worried that Harry's feet might get torn to shreds.

I halted to a stop as I ran into the library but instead of stopping like I thought I would I skidded in my shoes, my arms waving at my sides to regain my balance. I didn't stop myself though and I heard a yelp come from my mouth before I collided with the red couch in front of me. I flipped over the chair and fell onto the floor my heart thrumming in my throat. God that had scared the shit out of me then, I thought I was going to end up a centre piece for a table.

I sucked in a breath and felt my pulse calm just as I heard a cry from the doorway. I stood up from the floor only to be knocked onto my back by Harry who had also flipped over the chair. I landed on my back, the breath getting knocked of me as Harry landed on my front.

"Harry" I croaked and pushed him off, "-jeez who's the idiot that waxed the library floor?" I groaned as I heard Josey and Darien laughing at me.

Harry stood up, pulling me along with him and I glared at Josey and Darien, both of whom stopped laughing but grinned at me. I sighed and brushed myself down before looking at my brother and gesturing with my head.

"Go and get dressed. I'll get some breakfast ready for you and then we can go out onto the field and train together" I ordered him and he nodded before dashing from the room. I grinned at his back thinking that even as a teenager he was so cute.

I'd trained yesterday with Darien of course, but Harry had stayed in the Underworld with Josey as she showed him around so that he could get a feel for the place. He said that it seemed nice and he felt at ease here, but some of the demons made him feel on edge, I'd told him that he would get used to it after a while.

Josey rushed off to see about some food for Harry and returned at the same that Harry did. He sat on the couch next to me and tucked into the porridge that Josey had brought for him. Within seconds he had finished the bowl and jumped eagerly to his feet. We grinned at each other and I motioned for him to walk closer to me and held my hands out to him, he placed his hands in mine. I nodded to him and shimmered us out to the training field, which would double up as a the battle field for mine and Wyatt's battle.

"Don't worry, I think training is alright" I said at seeing Harry's worried expression. Nodding he took his hands out of mine and glanced around the field as Darien shimmered next to us.

"Ready?" he asked and I nodded at him.

"Harry feel free to do what you'd like for a while. I'm going to train with Darien first before I help you okay?" I asked and he nodded before wandering over to a boulder and sitting down on it. I shrugged at him when it became obvious that he was going to watch.

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