Chapter 2

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"Lila what was that?" Chris asked as we landed in the Underworld. I smiled at him.

"A new ability that has emerged over the past few days" I replied and he grinned at me.

"So what, you have whitelighter sensing powers now?" he asked and I laughed.


The Underworld hadn't changed much over the past six years, except for the fact that there were now fluorescent bulbs hanging off the ceilings. It always made me laugh at the fact the demons felt as though they had to have light, when in fact many of them are associated for thriving in the dark.

"Then what was it?" Chris urged. I sighed, turning to him just as I heard a scream. Wyatt started and I grabbed at the air with my right hand before twisting. He ran into an invisible wall of air.

Lila! he shouted in my head but I ignored him, instead I grabbed at the air again and pulled my hand towards myself. Wyatt was thrust off his feet and landed heavily beside me.

Grabbing him I pushed him in front of me into a gap in the wall and Chris followed behind, just as a group of demons came rushing past us. If we'd been standing there just a few seconds longer then we would've had an ambush on our hands. Once they disappeared around the corner the boys and I untangled ourselves from the gap and walked in the opposite direction.

"Energy shift" I shrugged as I felt the questioning stares lingering on my back. I heard Wyatt clear his throat and smiled to myself, knowing he felt slightly annoyed that I'd had to stop him from being himself. Sometimes I swear that the Halliwells get too emotional.

I led them around a few twists and turns before we finally emerged in a familiar cavern. The furniture was still where I remembered it, except the shrine of pictures in the alcove had been removed, making place for an altar. There were a few naked bulbs hanging from the ceiling, but these only made the shadows in the corners darker. If I focused on them too long, it was as though they were thriving on some unseen energy force.

I walked briskly past the furniture and into an adjoining room where I instantly saw Wyatt's charge strapped to a table. She had been stripped naked, but luckily the straps were covering up the more revealing parts of her. Her tanned body was covered in red which was running down her arms, and collecting in trays that were connected to the table. I had to resist the urge to gag as the demon came into view.

"You just better watch out because he will kill you easily" the woman cried and the demon snarled a laugh. It was then that I saw he had no lips, and bone white teeth, yet the rest of his face was as normal as a demon's usually is. It was very unnerving and made me shift from foot to foot. I knew that the ring my father had handed down to me would be like the Halliwells Book of Shadows in that demons would want it for themselves, but I had no idea that creeps like this guy would want it. Heck I didn't even know they existed.

"Yeah and I'm so scared of your whitelighter" the demon said, but because he had no lips to soften some of the sounds, it came out in a clacking of teeth against each other.

"Well you should be because he will kick your ass" she retorted and I couldn't help but smile since she obviously wasn't scared. The demon rolled his eyes.

"Well I don't see him anywhere, so until then this is much more fun" the demon snarled. I felt Wyatt hesitate next to me before he pushed past me and made himself known.

"Well I'm here now so how about you let my charge go" Wyatt ordered, and his anger changed his voice so that it boomed throughout the cave. Even I flinched at the sound and accidentally bit my lip so hard that I drew a little bit of blood.

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