The Cruelest Ruler

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•E/C: Eye Color
•L/N: Last Name
•Y/N: Your Name

Author's POV:

Once upon a time, in the kingdom of Cadaria, there lived a king and a peasant girl. The ruler went by the title King Noah Saunders and was a man so wealthy and powerful, it could make one sick to their stomach. The heir is fairly young, only the age of twenty-one years, however, he had come to be well known by everyone. He is one of the most feared kings known to man, the very mention of his name having the ability to shake anyone to the core. Noah is a force to be reckoned with and is not someone you want to make your enemy.

He has an army full of strong, young men, who are prepared to fight to the death for him simply because they would rather go to war than die by his very own hands. The king is an intimidating figure, who holds little to no mercy for others. He is a man that everyone quivers in front of, even a beast. At a young age, the frightening male had trained a wild lion to behave as a mere house cat. Such a task would be difficult for anyone to accomplish, which goes to show just how much power the king wields.

However, far from the castle lived a family of farmers. A mother and a father lived together happily with their daughter, Y/N. In comparison to her ruler, she was no one special, an ordinary girl that worked hard for her family. She is a lowly villager, who works every day on her father's farm, barely scraping by, while the king sat in his castle on his extravagant throne. The young maiden had never once met the king in person, nor had her family ever been in trouble with him before. It all seemed fine until the night the two finally met.

Such a cliche idea for a story.

Though, if you were thinking this is going to be some kind of Cinderella story, you best look elsewhere, for this tale is not one fit for fairytales told to children. So, be warned:

This tale is full of suffering.

Your POV:

My nose twitches when I catch a strong scent wafting into the room through my bedroom window. I release a groan and sit up from my bed, causing it to creak, as I open my E/C eyes. I sniff the air again as I approach the open window. My eyes widen in shock upon seeing the red flames consuming the barn that holds quite a few of our livestock before racing out of the room. On my way to the front door, I make a stop at my parents' bedroom to frantically pound my fist against the dark wood of the door.

"Fire! The barn's on fire!" I scream loud enough to wake them before hurrying outside. I cough from the massive clouds of smoke that pollutes the night air, which had entered my lungs the second I stepped out. Not long after I came outside, my parents ran out of the house. With widened eyes, father runs past me to get to the barn in order to save the animals that are kept inside.

Meanwhile, mother grabs my shoulders in attempts to comfort me, while I watch the horrifying scene unfold before my eyes. Animals race out of the barn, their pelts ablaze as they wail in agony. Father does his best to put out the flames on the poor creatures' bodies, but there were some he couldn't catch in time, leaving them to die a slow and painful death. We were so busy watching the horrifying scene that we hadn't taken notice of the flames that begun to consume the house behind us. I was the first to realize this and gasp loudly with widened eyes.

"Mother, the house!" I point at the burning structure, leading my mother to look behind her. Tears fill her orbs, while her right hand covers her mouth, which hangs agape in terror. Tears prick my own eyes as we watch the flames blanket our beloved home without having the ability to stop it from spreading.

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