Chapter 32 - Mad Hatter (THE END)

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Chapter 32 - Mad Hatter


Alice POV

"I'm ok." I say angrily, looking up at Jack, trying not to kill him right now. "There's nothing fucking wrong with me." I say looking at the doctor with crazy eyes.

"It seems here you've been abusing drugs and you've cane back positive for bipolar depression." THE doctor says whilst looking at my file.

I cross my arms over my chest and at least try to get comfortable in the office chair. Jack sat right next to me as he looked as if he hasn't been abusing drugs also.

So you're probably wondering what the fuck happened. Well crazy shit went down my relationship that we'll save for another time but for right now all i have to say is I'm probably gonna me in a mental hospital because all i did was wake up in a hospital bed again.

My brother said that if i don't get help he won't let me go on tour and he'll just cancel it himself. I obviously didn't want that so i agreed but I'm still throwing a tantrum because i don't think nothing is wrong with me.

I have to be in this shit hole for about five months which means i have to reschedule almost my whole tour while i get better. Which is a bunch of bullshit if you ask me.

Everyone i know has been encouraging me to get help but i never listened until now. I always knew that i abused drugs but didn't want to admit it. But i had no clue that i even could have bipolar depression.

I'm just living my teen life to the fullest. My friends don't walk they run. We skinny dip in rabbit holes for fun for god sakes. I just want to live it freely without having any hassle. This dream is just a killer.

"Why the fuck am i even here?" I say to Jack who's hands are folded.

"Well," the doctor answers instead of Jack. "Your lawyer said that you could either do time in prison or come here so obviously you came here." She says, opening back up my file reading what it has to say.

"What could i be in prison for?" I ask. I get the drug part but what other things could i have done that are illegal?

"You popped balloons with guns that weren't yours. You got off with warning for that one. You vandalized a garden by painting white roses red and claimed that each shade was a different person's head. You made a public apology for that. Shall i go on with the drug cases?" She asks, looking at me through her glasses.

I shake my head and say, "Why can't i get prescription or something?"

"Because you're mentally unstable to do so and you could use them as drugs as well." She says about to get up and leave us to get more papers.

"Doctor, doctor please listen my brain is scattered. You can be alive I'll be the mad hatter." I say making no sense while my leg shakes and i have an urge to pee.

"Are you on drugs now?" She asks, staying back and sitting down at her large desk.

"Yeah i got drunk with a blue caterpillar." I say whilst laughing my ass off.

"She could be able to start her five moths right now." She tells my brother whilst giving me a dirty look.

"Sure." He simply replies lying back on the chair.

She nods and gets back up once again and goes to get some paper work for us to fill out. Once she closes the door Jack turns around and looks at me.

"This could be good for you." He reassures me holding onto my hand but i pull it back to peel the skin off my face. These normals they make feel afraid. The crazies are what make feel sane.

WoW we're really messed up

"You think I'm crazy? You think I'm gone? So what if I'm crazy the best people are. And i think You're Crazy too. I know you're gone. It probably the reason we get along." I say to him as i grip onto his arm tightly as ever and stare into his eyes.

"Alice this could actually help you." He says, as he swats me away from him.

"I'm nuts. I'm mad." I say accepting that I'm actually fucking mentally ill. "The craziest friend that you've ever had. You think I'm psycho, you think I'm gone. Tell the psychiatrist something so wrong. I'm over the bend and entirely bonkers You like me best when I'm off rocker. Tell you a secret I'm not alarmed. So what if I'm crazy the best people are? All the best people are crazy." I say getting close into Jacks face.

Right then the doctor comes in with paper work and a bag of clothes. She gives the bag to me and shows Jack the paper work.

"I just need you to sign here before you leave." She says as i begin to stand up.

I gab a pen off her desk, using my mouth to open the top, and sign my name on the damn paper. I then leave the room to go change, knowing i should've said goodbye to jack.

But guess what? This is only the beginning.

CrybabyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon