Before The Fall

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Not everyone ends up with the love of their life.

Only the lucky ones do.

Everyone continues to hold onto some part of that love whether they acknowledge it or not. It's a part of them.

One fateful meeting is all it takes before they begin to fall for one another, changing as they do so.

It's the growing that tells them if they will remain with one another as some drift apart.

Not because they didn't love enough or care enough, simply because they were not able to acknowledge how much they've learned.

Learning about how blessed they were. Or learning that things aren't the way they always wanted them to be.

To be satisfied and loved as every day felt as though it was a little piece of heaven.

Or to be taken for granted because they remained too comfortable that they forgot to treasure what was most important to them.

Their love.

This love that grows and blossoms between Sienna Wilston, a pre-med student who spends more time studying than sleeping, and Caden Matthews, an army soldier who is searching to find a love that is fruitful.

Will they fall more and more in love with one another as time passes by or will they slowly realize that the love they thought they shared was nothing but an illusion?

Only time would tell.

Before The FallOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora