Chapter 1 - Annoying Day

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It's sunday today and late afternoon at 3, weather is cloudy. The streets in London on a holiday are very busy and full just like a stuffed garlic bread.

And I am in the middle of the street with my Black Ducati. I m wearing a black hoodie with few green stripes on the middle of it and on elbows of my hoodie. Also I am wearing my sun glasses with my helmet on.

A school bus is infront of me and behind me,there is a huge truck.

I perused to my left and right......I am between two cars and the kids in those cars were looking at me and waving. They were really small........I think their age may be between 5 to 8........they were cute and I waved at them.

I glimpsed at my watch it's 4pm now, " Till how much time should I wait in this idiotic this rate he's gonna get away!!!! " I yelled at myself.

"I am loosing my patience now. Pick me up while returning home. I m sick of this traffic". Saying it to my bike, I turned on the hologram button on my bike..........which made an holographic copy of me having the same outlook of me today. I got down, removed my helmet and placed on back seat of my bike. Good thing nobody noticed me except for the kids in the cars beside me and they were eye opened.

Looking into the side mirror I avowed to myself " Wow!!! What a beauty!" .

My hair is spiked in the front and flat in the other parts. I ve put on my ear phones.... and then my cap of hoodie...... started walking towards my left.

I started walking towards an alley between two buildings whose facade is shabby.

As I entered into the alley, I took my first right. Taking off my cooling glass and putting it in my pants pocket...... I put my mask on. My mask is black.....and it has thin silver horizontal and vertical stripes with silver shades on eyes.

And now here I get started......... jumping meandering on the walls of the buildings, I climb up to the top of them. Then I start running and jump from one building to another.

This is very wierd this time or I guess my day isn't good today. I feel the warm air of the city. And I feel kinda different this time. First time when I did this.......I was thrilled, elevated, exhilarated and exuberant. Now I am disconsolated. Or maybe it's because I'm doing it again after a long time. I should've quit being a hero when I was conflicted by Overkill.

Now this is very irony!!! I used to tell people to think positive and look what am I doing. I need to focus on what I need to do now.

I've reached my destination finally!!! It is quicker to travel off road than on road. Then I looked at my watch.....time ticks to 4:37pm. So I sit down on a wall on the top a building and play space frontier in my mobile.

Now a radio from background starts playing.......OOOOOOOOHHH YEEEEEEAAAAAH I WANT A SHOOP BABY......( SHOOP...SHOOP ....SHOOP).
I know this song is from Deadpool..... But I m not Deadpool or this is not a Deadpool story.

Oh I forgot to tell you........this is a superhero story and what am I doing here?? I waiting for the bad guys to come onstage so that I can assualt them.

And how do I know that they will be here?

The answer is simple......I am a hero and my job is to teach bad guys a lesson to do good or to motivate them to do good things a penny to the poor.

You know what does good things mean I don't need to tell you this too.....because it will be an exaggeration to the story and you guys may feel it boring while reading.

A teenage girl from my back comes onstage now. She's 3 or 4 inches shorter than me..........her hair is till her shoulders, little curly and little straightened. And she's fair in complextion. She's in blue t-shirt and black pant. By looking at her I can tell that she's egoistic. She s totally into her phone!

She enquired me " Hey are you a thief ?". I got amused by this question!!! I turned towards her and responded in a flash........" Girl are you crazy? And how the hell am I looking like a thief ?"

She didn't say anything........ I kept going on " I am a hero of this London city....... And savior of this world......the..... ".

She interrupted nastily " Okay fine what's your name??? The Dark Knight? Or Overkill? Or Nightswift?...... Vortex?.....Deathbolt?? What are you doing here? ".

I stopped her and soared my voice a little " Excuse me miss! Will you let me talk? I am CROSS-FIRE......."

She interrupted again " But your costume doesn't match your name".

I took a deep breath and screamed " Will u just let me complete my sentence".

I got her attention........and she gaped at me now and said " Okay....".

All this conversation she didn't give a damn about me but now she did..........and now I continued pointing towards my right " Do you see that BLAZE tower??.........bad guys are gonna breakthrough that tower and I will stop them. Can you get some pop corn.....I think it's gonna be little late for the bad guys to appear.....till then we can eat something while talking......."

And I forgot to tell you......Blaze tower is a multi-storied building with sixty five floors and it is silver in colour...... Blaze tower is a work place for Blaze Industries, which manufactures rockets and does research on space and extra terrestrial objects......and it was the NUMBER ONE!!!! company of the WORLD!!! And everyone knows it.

Without any reply she walked away......I guess she's gonna get some pop corn.....or maybe not......Let's see!!! And seriously today is very annoying!!! First with the traffic.......and now this stupid girl........She's stepping on my nerve!!!

But she made me feel like before and now I kinda feel alright and a bit pleasent. Spending time with this girl may heal me. But this scar is going to be with me forever.

I can never forgive myself. I feel like to give up on these superpowers. I don't want them anymore. It's like a curse for me.

Getting a great power and loosing a loved person. I really hate myself to the core. I want to die completing this mission.

It feels like I know I already met her before and she kinda resembles me! Or am I going crazy? But seriously I've seen that face somewhere I couldn't recollect it............... and how does she know Overkill? Is she a agent of him or one of his assistant ???

There is something fishy.......but no worries.......I'll find it out soon.

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