Chapter 71. The proposal

Start from the beginning

Ezekiel nodded with his head at me then said while placing a kiss on my cheek "I promise you that i will tell you everything papa". I played with Ezekiel a little more after that then got out of the bath when i realized that i hadn't fed Ezekiel yet. I dried us both off then chose a light pink short-sleeve shirt and khaki pants for Ezekiel to wear. While i put Ezekiel on the bed to play i walked to my own wardrobe and chose a well fitted white dress shirt with a dark blue dress pants to wear.

I looked one last time at myself in the mirror while putting on my cologne then went to put on my brown dress shoes. Ezekiel immediately crawled to me when he saw me sitting on the bed and i smiled when i saw how attached to me he was. I picked him up when i finished wearing my shoes and left Ezekiel bare feet because his shoes were in the children's room. I could immediately hear the loud giggles of my other three children the moment i stepped out of our room and was glad that the room was soundproofed.

I smiled when i saw Knightly standing blindfolded in the middle of the living room in his navy blue three piece suit surrounded by the children. I shook my head then thought to myself have the children forgotten that their father can seek them out by their scent only. All the children squealed when they saw me and ran to me. Kingsley hugged me by my hip then said "Daddy can't catch us because i masked our scents papa, you should do the same".

I smiled at Kingsley then thought to myself Oh, how wrong you are baby boy because you can't fool your father. He can recognize his children's scents within seconds. I could clearly see that Knightly was just doing this to amuse the children so i did as Kingsley had asked me. I then walked slowly to knightly and put a finger on my lip to silent the children. I then leaned in and kissed Knightly softly on his lips.

Knightly immediately threw his arms around me and yelled "Caught you". He started placing kisses all over my face and i yelled "Watch it Knigh because there is a baby on board". Knightly then started placing kisses all over Ezekiel's face and Ezekiel squealed from his father's antics. I carefully pulled the blindfold off Knightly's eyes and placed a kiss on his cheek. Knightly hugged me tightly in response while minding Ezekiel and said "I'm glad that you're alright now my gorgeous mate".

I then whispered "I love you to my handsome mate" in Knightly's ear and i could feel Knightly's heart starting to beat faster. Sylvia then walked up to us and asked me "Do you want me to feed Ezekiel my king". Knightly took Ezekiel out of my arms and said while placing a kiss on his cheek "It's alright Sylvia, give me the bottle and i'll feed him". I looked stunned at Knightly then asked him "Don't you have to be at the office right now Knigh?"

Knightly smiled at me then answered my question with while feeding Ezekiel "I have already done what i had to do at the office for today love. Connor, Jeremy and Nathan can handle the rest because i want to spend my day with you and the kids today". I smiled at Knightly then casted a spell to create magical butterflies in all colors for Kingsley, Amell and Althea. They looked in awe at the magical butterflies that filled the whole living room and i said to them "See how many you can catch pups". I could clearly see the sparkle in their eyes while they ran after the butterflies.

I carefully leaned on Knightly's shoulder while he was still feeding Ezekiel and gazed at my beautiful children while they were having the time of their lives. I heard Ezekiel cooing when Knightly was done feeding him and i asked him "Do you want to join your brothers and sister little pup?" Ezekiel smiled at me and i took him out of Knightly's arms then put him on the floor. Ezekiel crawled to the nearest magical butterfly and he squealed with his whole heart when he caught it.

He turned around to look proudly at us and i said to him while Knightly threw his arms around me "Good job, now go catch some more little pup". Knightly pulled me closer to his chest then yelled "Your little brother is on the floor so be careful pups". "Yes daddy" yelled Kingsley, Amell and Althea and i thought to myself Ezekiel will start talking in a short while too. I smiled when i saw how Ezekiel's older siblings tried to help him catch the magical butterflies.

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