one - cheers

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reminder ;
this is a sequel to my book "glitch" so i recommend you read that story first. xo‼️
the cast members are still the same. although
kyle monroe will be portrayed as jack gilinsky
megan will be portrayed as vanessa merrell
todd will be portrayed as jc caylen.

those were literally made up on the top of my head. lol

enjoy 💓


"i can't believe we finally live together." i feel kyle wrap his arms around me, kyle's my fiancé, i met him at work. i'm an illustrator for children's books now, all my hard work finally paid off.

"i know, i'm unpacking now." i tell him smiling, we were engaged and were currently planning to have our wedding in about eight months, although it's far away, it's still stressful to handle.

kyle heads out of the room to the group of unexpected friends that showed up at our house, as i went through boxes in my room, reminiscing some memories— happy that some are over. it's been three years since i graduated— since i've seen nikki, josie.. justin.. more importantly, ethan.

i smile softly when i reach my hand inside the box, i see the torn up envelop with my name messily written across it. i was contemplating on opening it or not, just to see his writing one last time, just to read his letter one last time. my hands betray me and open the envelop, pulling out the piece of paper.

dear precious,

i know you want nothing to do with me, i know you hate me inside and out. and i know what happen was wrong, i'm not going to beat around the bush.

i just want you to know that i didn't do it. and i know you don't believe me, maybe one day you'll find out i'm innocent or you'll die thinking i'm guilty.

either way, i want to tell you a story, i want to tell you about a boy, a boy who fell madly in love with this girl in his senior year of high school. he certainly wasn't planning on falling in love at all, if anything-- he was planning on getting high everyday and attending every single party there was.

but instead, he spent everyday, every single minute thinking about that one girl after he met her. after he talked to her and seen her smile, after he realized they had stuff in common, he fell in love with her and there was no doubt about it. she changed him, for the better.

but then things took a turn, badly. and here we are today, allie.

i hope you know that everything i ever told you, i meant from the bottom of my heart. i love you, i love you more than i love myself. you were everything i ever wanted, you still are. and i know i lost you, but you know the cliche saying, 'if you love someone, let them go'

so i'm letting you go, just as you please. i hope you know that i will forever love you, i will be forever grateful that i had the privilege of having you, and loving you.

you deserve nothing but happiness, and i hope you find someone who treats you how you deserve, because you're fucking gold, precious.

this will be the last time you hear from me, i promise.

i love you, allison camillo. forvever and always.

- ethan

i remember this day like it was yesterday, i wonder how ethan's doing. i wonder how grayson is doing, more importantly, if josie and grayson stayed together.

"honey, come out here for a second!" kyle calls out, i drop the letter that ethan had once given me. i shove it neatly into it's envelop before approaching kyle and his highschool friends in our unfurnished living room. the only lady in the room seemed to be expecting, i smile at her baby bump.

"it's nice to meet you, all. i'm allie." i say smiling, we all greet each other in a handshake before i pour myself a glass of wine, joining them at the table.

"we're having a baby shower next saturday, will you guys please come?" she asks, through other previous conversations i learned her name was megan and her husbands name was todd.

"of course!" kyle exclaims, "allie, would you want to?"

"definitely." i smile, "do you know what you're having?"

"a boy." todd answers, "thank the heavens above."

megan slaps her husband playfully on the arm. "i wanted a girl, which means we're going to keep trying until we get one."

"well congratulations, and i hope it's a girl your next try." i wink at megan, she laughs and thanks me.

"what about you two, you're getting married soon, wanting to have babies?" todd asks, kyle shrugs.

"we're unsure at the moment." kyle explains. i interrupt him.

"he's unsure, i certainly want kids." i say, behalf of myself.

kyle sighs, i wasn't sure what it was. he liked children and knew how to handle them, but it was something about us as a family, having a baby he didn't want.

"what school did you go to allie?" megan decides to switch topics.

"marino high, you?" i ask.

she gasps. "what?! no way. so did i?"

i chuckle, "i don't remember seeing you!"

she laughs, slapping todd's shoulder. "see that todd, laura went to marino high too!"

kyle and todd went to jackson high which was the school about ten minutes away from marino high.

"i'm sure you'll know a lot of people at my baby shower then." she grins. "cheers?"

we all raise our glass and clink our glasses together, taking a sip of our red wine.

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