"W-wait..." She stopped me, "did you say...?!"

"Yeah, so." I let go of her hand and pulled out the manila envelope, "this is for you."

She took the envelope and opened it, "where did you get this?!"

"I performed in the competition yesterday." I crossed my arms proudly, "in your place. Even though it was illegal, I still won the money. I know you worked your butt off for that competition, so this is paying it off."

"But..." Sakura bluntly pulled out the check, "it has your name written on it... And it's already signed... In pen... By you...."

"Oh, is that so?" I shrugged, "oh well."

Sakura angrily tore up the check and gritted her teeth, "why you son of a..."

"Okay..." Naruto started moving away slowly, "I'll just get going now."

"Hang on, Naruto." I called, "you two are coming over to my house tonight."

Sakura blinked a few times, "wha...?"

"That's not an excuse. Besides..." I smirked at her, "I want to show you something... Something special."



Naruto helped me walk up the few steps to Sasuke's front door.

"Man..." Naruto groaned, "can't you walk on your own?"

"Hello!" I yelled, "I woke up from my coma! That doesn't mean I didn't get any broken bones in that car crash, for heaven's sake!"

"Well." Sasuke opened the door, "I thought I heard you two..."

I grabbed my crutches from Naruto's grasp and made my way slowly but surely past Sasuke and into the entryway, "I swear, if you put that money into that speeding ticket you got, I'm not going to be..."

My voice trailed off once I glanced around the corner and into the living room. At the center of the room sat a grand piano, "Hmph." I glared at the boy, "so, you bought yourself a piano, huh?"

"Yeah, I did." Sasuke stood next to me, "actually, it's for you."

"Pssh." I rolled my eyes, "yeah, right."

"I'm serious." He blinked a few times then nodded, "besides, you're staying with me now."

"What?!" I nearly fell over, "Sasuke, what are you saying?!"

"Well." He shrugged, "you don't have to live by yourself any longer. You can move in and stay with us."

I don't think I heard him correctly because it almost sounded like he was asking me to live with him...

"I mean..." Naruto chuckled, "my house isn't big enough. Plus, there's a grand piano here that you can play to your heart's desire. Not only that, you can play with the one you love most."

Now I was truly speechless, "I-I... 'The one I love most'?!"

Naruto walked up to me and took my hands, "we both read the letter. We don't care what your past was like. We talked about it, and living by yourself isn't going to help you become a better musician. So, Sasuke wants you to live with him."

"Ah..." Sasuke blushed and scratched the back of his neck, "not that I want you to live with me... It's just I want you to stay with me."

"Sasuke!" Naruto crossed his arms, "that's not any different!"

"I mean!" Sasuke stuttered, "I don't want you to l-live by yourself. That's what I meant. It gets kind of scary, don't you think?"

"Whatever you say...."

"Dobe, shut up!"

"What, I'm just saying."

I stared at Sasuke the same way I looked at him the first time he walked out on stage years ago.

"You know, Sasuke." The two turned to watch me, "I couldn't have made it to where I am today without you. I don't know if I'd even be here or in a boot camp because of my behavior. Either way, knowing you became my entire existence, and without it... I'd be completely lost."

He smiled at me. A smile that melted my heart, "well, I could say the exact same thing... So... Thanks, Sakura. You really do mean the world to me."

With that said, I agreed to live with Sasuke and his family until we both graduated to college. We attended the same music school until our piano careers maxed out and eventually, once we settled into our own house, we decided to make it official. He asked me to marry him and of course, I said yes. From the start, I never thought that someone as horrible as me could ever end up changing the life of the man I love and even marrying him, all with a single lie. The lie that brought the two of us together and made us find the three things that truly matter to us: Each other, our very own baby daughter, and the piano. 


Written by xX_Fang_Xx

Inspired by Your Lie in April

SasuSaku OneShotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें