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| G I J E O G |

"miracle, move to the left of the camera. yes, yes." i hear as i follow what the photo director says.

my hand was on the right side of my waist, i was leaning on a chair and it sounds awkward to pose and it is

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my hand was on the right side of my waist, i was leaning on a chair and it sounds awkward to pose and it is. i wore a black dress that ended at the mid of my thighs.

so fucking boring, i want to go out.

i watch as all of the staff worry right in front of me, it looked as if they were about to pee their pants. to be honest, i couldn't blame them. their job was on the line if mr freakshow director over would freak out.

i've seen it, it wasn't pretty.

they saw the boredness in my eyes, once i get bored - he would blame the staff. i'm trying not to show it, but it's really getting boring. i yawn and mr director saw me.

"miracle, are you bored?" i hear, there - it started. i could see smoke coming out of his ears. shit.

"get the coffee for miss lee or else everyone will be fired!" i shook my head, saying i don't need it but he just shouted at a random staff member. great. i mouth 'sorry' to the staff and they just bow making me feel guilty.

"where is the coffee!" he shouts again and i had enough, i start taking off my earings and he starts to notice.

"miracle, what are you doing?" he asks in a baby voice, fake, i took off these painful heels and start walking away before grabbing 50,000 won and gone off whilst saying, "getting away from your shit leading."

"miracle! come back!"

"my name is gijeog!" i reply back and ignored him and suddenly one of the members came up with a worried look.

"miss lee, your photoshoot—"

"will look cool on magazines  yet horrible to experience for you guys, i heard some new interns were working today. i'll tell the board about this." i cut him off and the young man smiles before pushing his glasses up his nose bridge. aww, cute.

i give him a smile and walk off bare foot outside the building.

| 5 minutes later |

i clearly didn't think this through, i'm in the summer weather wearing heavy makeup and black clothes. from my studies, i remember that black absorbs white light and its definitely working.

"fucking good. eurgh, so hot."

the heat from the ground comes in contact with my bare feet, i walk freely on the path as people start to film me. i don't care, people respected my privacy — my fans are amazing at doing that.

"good afternoon gijeog!" i hear some young girls greet cheerfully, i look infront of me and saw a familar face. ah! it's that girl who owns that 'mymiracle' fan account, seo-hyun!

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