Look Who's Back In Town

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Aiden's pov

"You must really love going to Mystic Falls" Jess jokes as I pack my bags

"Oh yeah, I love it best place on earth" I reply sarcasm dripping from my voice

"Aww is poor Aiden upset" Jess says faking that she feels sorry for me I playfully glare

"Is it that bad" She says raising her eyebrows

"It's literally hell on earth it's so boring" I say dramatically. Jess laughs

"Can you pass me that second duffel bag please sweetheart?" I ask she passes it to me I start packing vervain grenades Jessica's eyes widen

"One day one of them will blow up in your face" She says

"And on that day I will blame you for jinxing me" I say smirking I finish packing and Kai comes in smiling from ear to ear

"Ready to go to my favourite place ever" he says excitedly

"No but I don't have a choice" I say walking past him

"Come on it's fun killing innocent people destroying weddings not many places do that" he argues we wait for Kol outside

"How come I don't get to come"Kara whines

"I need you to man the fort" Klaus replies smirking

"I deserve to kill him though he attacked me" Kara argues

"He got three people to attack me and I was human so if anyone deserves to rip out his heart it's me" Jess says joining the argument

"Ayy listen, stay here and play monopoly with Elijah you'd enjoy that wouldn't you Elijah" I say smirking turning around and see Elijah coming into the compound

"Oh of course I can't think of anything better" Elijah says sarcastically Kara glares

"Come on Kol!" Klaus shouts

"I'm coming, keep your hair on" Kol shouts as he comes into the room

"Please don't be a nuisance you lot" Elijah says

"Elijah my friend I don't want you to get a crease in your suit so don't you worry about us" I say smirking

"In other words, we're gonna cause trouble" Kai says

"Come on let's hit the road" Klaus says

"I call shotgun" Kai says

"Very funny not happening" Klaus says sternly

"Oh come on" Kai whines Klaus shakes his head

"At least let me have the first pick of the music" Kai says Kol sighs

"No" Kol says, Kai sighs and gets in the back

"See ya" Jess says

"See ya when I get back" I reply and kiss her

"Come on Aiden you aren't going to war" Klaus says I chuckle and get in the car and we set off

Jess's pov

"Where are they going?" Freya asks

"Mystic Falls" Kara replies

"I don't know who to feel sorry for them or the people of Mystic Falls" Rebekah says

"Probably a bit of both, so are we playing monopoly" I say they all give me a look

"I guess not" I say

Aiden's pov

We drive to Mystic Falls

"Guys someone just tweeted that there's a party at Whitmore College should I comment save a drink or send some emojis?" Kai asks

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