Hello Old Friend

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Aiden's pov

God this town is so boring, how did Nik stay here for so long without going insane nothing exciting happens here. I make my way to the Salvatore Boarding House so we can put the plan into action. I walk up to the door and knock on the door, Damon answers.

"Does anyone else ever answer this door?" I ask sarcastically, Damon rolls his eyes

"Shut up and get in" he says and moves so I can come in.

We listen to Stefan who tells us the plan and the locations we all need to be in for when the vampires show up.

"So we all clear in the plan?" Stefan asks I raise my hand

"Uh I have a question sir why do I have to be in the most dangerous location?" I ask

"Because we don't like you and we are hoping and praying that you are going to to die" Damon says smirking

"Are you forgetting that I'm older than you and I could kill you in a split second right now" I say returning the smirk

"Can we stop bickering and get on with this" Stefan says impatiently

"Of course Mr Salvatore" I say sarcastically and make my way to the location.


I sit in an abandoned warehouse drinking a bottle of bourbon whilst I wait. I turn around when I hear footsteps.

"Ah nice of you lot to join me" I say smirking with my feet up on a box

"Who the hell are you" one vampire says I get up off the chair

"Lets skip introductions and get down to what will happen, none of you are going to leave here alive" I say smirking

"Oh yeah well there's more of us" a vampire says

"Lets put that theory to the test then shall we gentleman" I say putting the drink down and standing up. A vampire speeds at me, I rip his heart out easily and let his body drop to the floor and smirk at the other vampires and let the veins appear under my eyes, the rest speed at me. I rip two vampires hearts out at the same time and rip another's head off and let their bodies fall to the ground. I make my way through the vampires until I come face to face with the vampire who had doubted me. He looked at me fear clearly in his eyes I wipe my hands on one of the dead vampires clothes.

"Shouldn't I be dead, I thought you were gunna kill me" I say slowly walking towards him and before he could say anything I rip his heart out. I put all the vampires into a pile, drench them in bourbon and set their corpses on fire. I make my way back to the Salvatore boarding house and knock on and both Salvatore brothers come to the door this time.

"Wow it's not just Damon who answered the door what a bloody surprise" I state

"That's a shame I was hoping they were going to kill you both maybe you, Damon more than Stefan" I say smirking

"Well guess what we were hoping the same fate was going to happen to you" Damon replies, I turn to walk away when I turn around

"You know what I could make your fate happen Damon" I say baring my fangs until I smile

"I'm kidding I'll get someone to do it for me oh and your vampire problem has been taken care of no need to thank me" I say

"We weren't going to" Damon says I ignore him and walk away to my car where I bump into Elena

"Hello gorgeous your vampire problem is no more, exterminator Aiden was on the case" I say sarcastically

"Thank you" she replies with gratitude I widen my eyes at her gesture of gratitude

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