But when we got to the car we faced a serious dilemma. Bailey murmured, "Erm, how exactly are we supposed to get you in the car?"

"Oh..." One of the many downsides of being in a wheelchair. Gosh, I would never get over the fact that I was in a freaking wheelchair. Wheelchairs are annoying. "I'll just use my other leg and, um, I might need you for support to help me up into the car since I only have one arm..."

"It's okay, I'll just give you a lift." Liam put his arms beneath me, lifting me smoothly. Um, can someone say muscles?

"Oh!" I said in shock. Nobody really expects to be picked up that often. "Thanks!"

"No problem."

We all slid into the car and Bailey folded up my wheelchair. She pulled it in and shut the door.

I had to admit, I was a bit scared being in a car for the first time since the accident. I mean, I know I should have had nothing to worry about; I'd been in a car several times throughout my life and only once got hit. But still. After an experience like that you don't just forget about every single risk that could happen while you're in a car.

"Hey, you okay?" Bailey nudged me. In the ribs. Ouch. I rubbed the spot where she nudged me and in realization she sputtered, "Oh! I'm so sorry, Cal! I totally forgot! I'm so so sorry!"

The last thing I wanted was for people to treat me like a little girl who was all injured. I didn't want them to have to worry about me or any of my injuries. Whenever I get hurt, Bailey usually laughs. Never apologizes. But she didn't do that then. Just because I had a cast on my leg, an air cast on my wrist, and more than enough scrapes on my head.

"Um, yeah. I'm fine, and don't worry about me, okay? I'm perfectly capable of getting a nudge."

"But, it's just that you crushed..." Bailey trailed off.

"Yes, I know I crushed a few ribs! But I'm fine! Just dandy! So maybe I can't get into the car by myself and need a little assistance getting around, but that does that mean that I'm some four year old that needs to be treated like a baby? No!" I ranted forcefully. Okay, that might've been uncalled for... "I-I'm sorry. I don't know what got into me. I'm just really angry and annoyed right now. First, this whole accident that brings me to the hospital. And then my stupid broken leg that makes me unable to dance and puts me in a stupid wheelchair, which also is because of my stupid fractured wrist. And now I have a stupid headache cause my head's messed up and my jaw still hurts a little bit and my face is all ugly because of my stupid scars, and-" I'm cut off. I was out of breath anyway.

"Cal, you can't think like that." Bailey told me.

"Yeah, seriously. Just think, you'll be back performing in no time." Liam added.

I rolled my eyes, "Since when did who-knows-how-many-weeks become no time? I'll probably forget how to dance by then." So, I wouldn't actually forget how to dance...but it sure did feel like it.


Back at the hotel. Finally. It had honestly felt like ages. Only Niall was at the hotel, everyone else had gone out. I actually really needed to talk to Niall. I had so many things I needed to ask him.

The elevator opened at our floor and I asked Bailey and Liam, "Could you guys please go over to our room? I need to talk to Niall."

"Can you can go by your-" Bailey stopped realizing what she was about to say. "Yeah, thats fine. C'mon, Liam."

I wheeled myself over to the guys' room. I was about to knock on the door, but I decided to turn the knob anyway. To my surprise, it opened right up. Not the best choice on their part, considering there are some crazy fans out there.

But the door being unlocked wasn't the shocking part.

Not at all.

There was a girl. All. Over. Niall.


DUN DUN DUN .... DRAMMAAA! heh(: Sorry I had to do that. You know I love you guys. Thanks for all of the support, the cute comments, the happy birthday wishes, the votes, the rankings, the fanning, everything! I love you guys! So, tell me what you think is gonna happen in the comments! I'm eager to hear what you think! Update will probably be Monday cause Sunday is my birthday PLUS I'll be on a stupid plane the whole entire day... poo. :( Okay, well, let me know what you thought! Love youuu<3

Oh, and chapter is dedicated to @not2bforgotten because I freaking love her and her stories. 

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