Chapter 21

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This is actually the last chapter. Wow. So here comes the award show speech: I'd like to thank anybody who read/commented/voted/anything. You made this whole story work and I couldn't imagine what I'd do without you! I've never actually finished a book so this is big for me and I wouldn't wanna share this with anybody else but you guys! So thank you to everyone who has been there since the beginning - I remember when this idea first came to me in math class. Oh boy. ANYWAY, thank you all so much! I love you more than anything! ENJOY THIS LAST CHAPTER OF TEACH ME HOW TO DANCE, EPILOGUE WILL BE UP SOON SO KEEP AN EYE OUT. :) xxxxxxxxxxx


"I love walking. Don't you just love walking? Walking is the best. We should walk everyday. Morning walks. Sounds fun!" I blabbed on as Niall and I walked down the sidewalk of the city street. Yup, I was no longer crippled. Watch out world, I was no longer on that leash. Ha, what if I was a dog...that would be totally crazy. Wait, why am I talking about this? I am not a dog! Or am I... nope. I'm not. Niall wouldn't date a dog. Or at least I don't think so. I hope not. That would be awkward. Just...awkward.

"I understand you're excited after getting your leg cast off, but knowing you, you'd never get up in the morning to take a walk." He smiled over at me.

I swung our intertwined hands as we continued on, "Don't you think it's a little weird?"

"What? Walking? I mean, I wouldn't say it was weir-" I cut him off.

"No, not walking, silly head." I scruffed his hair, which he immediately fixed. "The fact that we're back in Glasgow. The accident happened here."

Niall nodded, staying silent.

The accident was sort of a sore topic with Niall, we never really discussed it. I think he still felt bad about the fact that I was in a wheelchair/crutches for so long working off my injuries while he was hardly injured in any serious way. I, obviously, didn't think he should've felt bad because there was no real way that he was blameable for anything, really.

I continued talking, "Plus, the tour's almost over. Can you believe it? It went by so fast. I wasn't even dancing for most of it either. Which is weird considering I'm a background dancer. Wow, I am really rambling right now, aren't I? Sorry, can't contain the excitement after getting my cast off. I'm annoying, aren't I. Somebody needs to tell me to shut up. Niall, tell me to shut up. Say it. Now. I command you. You are officially my pet. I am your owner." In case you didn't realize, there was definitely something wrong with me. I think I was dropped as a baby. It was the only answer.

"Babe, you're adorable, but shut up." He smiled sweetly. Hmm, as rude as that was, I was actually okay with it. Maybe the cute smile helped make up for it.

"Heh, okay." I spotted my favorite place in the world out of the corner of my eye, "Oh, em, gee! Starbucks! Nialler, buy me a frappacino? Pretty please with awesome sauce on top?" A grin spread across my face.

"Oh no. You do not need a single sip of any form of caffiene. Not even chocolate! You're already rambly right now."

"First of all, I don't even think 'rambly' is a word, and," I said matter-of-factly before gasping dramatically, "how dare you tell me I cannot have chocolate! That should be illegal - you saying that. That's like me saying it was illegal for you to tweet." Niall's eyes widened and I nodded. "Yes, that's how serious this is."

Niall rolled his eyes, "Come on, let's go back to the hotel."


"Race me to the room! Ready?" I told Niall like a five-year-old. "Go!"

We ran down the long hallway to our room. Niall was ahead of me but at the last second tripped over himself. It was obvious it was fake.

"You won!" He pouted but didn't actually show disappointment.

"Yeah, but you fell. And it wasn't a real fall. It wasn't even a believable fake fall!" I crossed my arms.

He stood up, towering over me, standing only a mere few centimeters away. "I'm sorry. I just like to see you win. You get so happy."

I smiled, pecking his cheek, "How can I stay mad at you now?"

I unlocked Bailey and I's door and everyone was in the room on the couch.

"Calista!" They all screamed as they attacked me in a hug.

"Merp." I let out while being squeezed in weird ways.

"I vote for a hardcore dance party!" Louis cheered.

"I second that!" Bailey agreed, sticking her hand in the air.

"I...third it?" I hesitated, unsure if 'thirding' was an actual thing. Oh well. I was awesome and awesome people could make up random crap.

"Bailey, the music, please?" Bella said with a mod towards my best friend.

She replied, "You got it, dude. Or dudet. Dudelo. Or dudela? You know, I'm just gonna play the music..."

She clicked play on her iPod, turned up the volume and then we started dancing like the crazy people we are. Why? Cause we could.

I leaned over and kissed Niall's cheek, and in case I hadn't said it enough, I decided to remind him, "I love you."

A smile spread across his face as he said, "I love you, too."

And maybe that was all I needed to hear - that Niall loved me - because he was all I ever needed. I had no clue how I'd been so lucky as to have him in my life. Niall had been there by my side whenever I needed him. I mean, how many girls can say that about their boyfriend? He brought me through the toughest times, even if he had caused me so much pain at one point. He showed me how to dance when I thought it was impossible; he taught me how to love with my entire heart. Surprisingly, it wasn't me. It was all him. I guessed that was how life and love worked - throwing you what you least expected. You could never truly be sure about anything when it came down to it. But I was sure about one thing. Maybe it was the moment, his capturing blue eyes, or just the way I had butterflies in my stomach every time I came near him, but I was sure, absolutely sure, that I would never let Niall go.


AND....DONE. :) Epilogue will be up soon, and new stories will start in August! Yay. OHHH - tell me what you thought of the entire story overall in the comments. I wanna know what I can improve on for my future stories! Please don't just say 'EVERYTHING!!' or 'NOTHING!!' (because we all know i'm perfect...hehe. just kidding! sorry i'm a loser...) I hoped you like this story! Oh, and the more comments you leave on this chapter, the sooner I'll put up the epilogue! THANKS FOR SUPPORTING ME ALL THE WAY THROUGH THE STORY; LOVE YOU SO SO MUCH, CRAZIES. :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (is that enough x's?)

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