"Say you're sorry Andrea, then I'll let go.'

"Okay! I'm sorry! Ahahaha! Now please, let go!" He lets go and I try to catch my breath. I lay there for a little bit, breathing really hard, with Jake sitting on my thighs, him breathing hard as well. I feel him move on my legs and soon feel his fingers moving some hair off of my face.

"You have really beautiful eyes" Jake breaths.

"Not any more they're not. They're dull now." I sigh out of sadness that my eyes arn't the pretty blue they once were.

"They arn't dull. They may be grey but they are still the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen." I smile up at him at his compliment. "What color were your eyes?"

"They were blue" I answer.

"That's not so much of a difference. At least your eyes arn't scary looking."

I laugh at his comment. "Yeah, that's a good thing."

"It is. I don't have to be creeped out every time I look into your eyes."

"Yeah. Hey, what do you look like?"

"What do I look like?" He seems confused.

"Yeah. Describe yourself to me. What color is your hair, the color of your eyes. All the little details that no one knows."

"Well, hair is brown. Its not that long, about where my ears are." I reach up and run my fingers through his hair to get the feel of its length and how soft it is. His hair is just the length so he can flip it, but short so he doesn't look like a hobo. I smile at how surprisingly soft his hair is. Jake must like my fingers going through his hair from the way he shudders. "M-my eyes are green like the marker that is an ugly color. I have dimples that show when I smile." I move my hands down to his face to run my fingers over his eyes that are now closed, and to his cheeks so I can feel his dimples.

"Smile for me." Jake breaths out a laugh and does what say. I run my finger over the indentations on his face. Jake's cheeks are smooth with only a couple of blemishes here and there. "Beautiful. I've always wanted dimples."

"You can have mine. They would look cuter on you than they do on me."

I laugh at his offer. "Deal." Jake takes my hands and holds them in one of his soft but slightly rough hand. He brings them up to his lips and kisses the tops of my fingers. His lips are soft.

"I like it when you run your fingers through my hair. I like it when you touch my face so gently with the tips of your fingers. I like it when you touch me in general, with your soft hands and gentle touch."

"I like it when you touch me, too."


"When was your first kiss?" Jake and have been sitting on the couch in silence for the last ten minutes until he broke it.


"When was your first kiss?"

Well that was random. "Umm, I was thirteen when it happened. His name was Tommy. I was at the park with him and we were talking about it and we both hadn't had our first kiss so we did it. It was sloppy, wet and gross. I told him I didn't like it so he got mad at me and didn't speak to me again. I think the worst part was that it was my first and only kiss before the accident and it wasn't even enjoyable. It wasn't even a good kiss and now I'm probably not going to get another one until I'm all old because people are to immature to get past me being blind. Not just about kisses either people are just so me-" I don't get to finish my rant because Jake puts a hand over my mouth to shut me up.

"Not everyone is like that" Jake says softly. I can feel his worm breath against my face when he spoke.

"Who isn't?" I can't help by ask.

Jake doesn't answer but instead, I feel his lips, almost hesitantly, press against mine in a soft kiss. It wasn't fast and rushed like the first one was. This one was more contained, soft and more, experienced.

A few seconds more of us kissing, Jake pulls away, and I probably look like a tomato.


I smile at his bluntness and reach up to wrap my arms around his neck and pull him towards my face. "I know" with that said, I bring his head all the way to mine and kiss him again.

We kiss for a couple more seconds then he pulls away. "I want to take you out."

"You're a very straight forward person aren't you?"

"Very. But I still want to take you out."

"Wont you be, embarrassed?"

"Why would I be embarrassed?" Jake asks.

"Because I'm blind. Wouldn't you be embarrassed to be with a blind girl and having everyone looking our way?" I'd probably be embarrassed if I was him.

"Haven't we gone through the 'everyone is equal' and 'I'm not like everyone else' talk?" Jake seems not confused but bewildered.

"Well yeah, but-"

"But nothing. I'm going to take you out tomorrow night and that's final."

"Yes sir."

We just sat there for a little bit, well more like me laying on the couch and Jake suffocating my legs.

"Umm, can I get up?" I ask him

"Don't know, can you?" Why do people say that?

"Yes." I raise and twist my legs so Jake goes tumbling down and lands on the ground with a big 'ompf'. It wasn't that big of a fall.

"Was that necessary?"

"Yes. Of course it was."

"Yeah yeah. Do you have extra blankets?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well considering its 9 o'clock and there is a storm going on, I'm not going to let you go through it alone. Doesn't seem right."

"Won't your parents get worried?" I asked.

"No, I texted my mom earlier."

"Okay, fallow me then." I push myself off the couch and head to the hallway closet where Edger was barking before. "They should be in here" I say after opening the door.

"I see them."

We migrate to the living room and I set the the blankets I was holding on the couch. "You can push the couch back to make more space."


Jake's P.O.V

I moved the couches back to make room for our bed. Then I set up the blankets and took pillows from the couch to use them.

"Okay, since it is almost 10 o'clock, I'm going to sleep, so are you." I go to grab her hands but she moves away.

"I can't sleep with you"

"Why not?"

"Because" she says.

"You've never done something like this before have you?"

"No, I haven't." it almost sounded like she was sad.

"That's okay. Come on, lets go to bed." This time she doesn't back away when i reach for her hands. I pull her down with me so that we are laying underneath the blankets. I'm on my side facing Andrea and she is on her back.

"Goodnight Andrea."

"Goodnight Jake." She rolls over so her back is facing me, but I wish she was. After about ten minutes, her breaths come slower and her her body more relaxed, indicating that she is asleep. I'm about to fall asleep as well, that is until she rolls over so she is facing me. She scoots over so that she is snuggling up against my chest with her hands beneath her face and lets out a sigh. Not a moment later does she unconsciously move one of her legs between mine and move closer to me.

I fall asleep with a smile on my face.

Picture of Jake!

It would really help if you guys can tell me what you think so far. I'm open for criticism and feedback.

Thank you so much for reading! Vote and comment please!

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