He loved her kisses, the way they made him feel so breathless and stunned, leaving his lips feeling all tingly and hot. He loved her body, how warm and soft it always was, how perfect the shape of it was when they lay together cuddling at night, or when his hands would always find their place on her hips, which were flawlessly shaped for his hands. He loved her eyes, the unique, lively green color of them that made his jade ones look dull compared to hers; adored how captivating and intimidating they were yet somehow always soft with kindness and love.

   "Reina," Harry pulled away from their heavy kiss, emitting a soft 'pop' noise as Reina looked at him with soft eyes, hand stroking his cheek.

   "Yes Harry?" she whispered sweetly, noticing his slightly tense expression. "What's wrong?"

   "I-" Harry began to say, but he was scared. He didn't want to tell her he loved her if she couldn't say the words back. No, Harry you fuck, tell her, he told himself right then and there. "I just want to tell you that you are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me."

   "Harry," Reina began to say as she sensed a monologue coming up from him, but he quickly pressed his lips against her to seal them with a kiss.

   "Shhh, my sweet Little Dragon," Harry smiled against her lips, before puckering his against hers and kissing her again shortly. "I just want to tell you how my heart feels about you."

   "Ever since I watched my parents' happy marriage deteriorate, Gemma's unhappy marriage begin, and my hopeless infatuation with Rosalie spiral out of control; I lost hope in the idea of love. I started believing that it was this stupid fantasy, a fairytale. But you proved that wrong to me," Harry cupped her cheeks and gazed at her with an adoring smile, corners of his pink lips tugged lazily to the sides as his dimple appeared.

   "Reina, the moment I said my vows to you on our wedding day, my heart belonged to you. It still does, and I know no matter what you will take care of it because you are so kind, and wonderful, and I truly will never understand how I became so fortunate to have you as my wife," Harry continued to say emotionally, Reina could barely stop her heart from pounding wildly against her ribcage.

   "You are so fierce when it comes to loving, when it comes to caring for the unfortunate, and especially when it comes to standing up for what you believe in. I used to think it's ridiculous, but now, it's honestly the thing I admire the most about you. We may have months and years to come for our reign to begin, but in my eyes, you are already a Queen, Reina. My Queen."

   "Oh Harry," Reina whispered with a smile that she couldn't control, one that made her cheeks hurt. "My handsome, adorable, sweet creature." Harry's eyes and face lit up at the nickname. "I relate to you in the sense that I lost hope in love's existence too, and you know why. You haven't the slightest idea how grateful I am that you've proved that love still exist, even when you feel like all is lost. You've made me laugh, you've made me cry, you've made ache with desire many times, these are all things I didn't believe a man could make me do, the way I wanted to."

   "And your words, they make my heart race like never before. They gave me so much hope, so much reassurance that we will be the greatest and strongest King and Queen alive because of our bond, our love."

  Harry felt his heart jump at her words, wide, hopeful green eyes looking for hers as she smiled warmly at him. Her hands cupped his cheeks to kiss him firmly, one small, lingering kiss, before she pulled away to whisper to him softly.

   "I lo-"

   "I love you," Harry beat her to it quickly, making her lips part in surprise, a laugh flying out of it. "Sorry, I-I wanted to say it first, but fuck, you are my life, Reina, and I am so hopelessly in love with you."

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