Secret Garden

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Ming drags Kit around the resort, showing his favorite places where he used to play and spend time with his family as a child. Kit just stares at Ming lovingly in silence and listens to Ming as he retells his childhood stories with sparkling eyes. Both of them are so engrossed in their little moment that they didn't even notice three hours have passed as Ming escorts Kit around.

Kit would always smile without even knowing himself whenever he sees Ming smiling too. He never admits out loud though. He is just happy to see the person he loves the most in glee. He was busy admiring Ming that he almost forgot the pain from his lower back.

"Ming, wait a sec. I want to sit for a while" Kit let goes of Ming's hand when his legs are about to give out and they stop on their tracks as they reach the hot-spring.

It's not just any hot-spring, it's a private one only for Ming and his family and it is maintained 24/7 even when they are not around so they can use it anytime. Ming got a permission for his father to use their resort as they please. The hot-spring is situated in the woods located in the south of the bungalow they're staying which is also own by their family and only fifteen minutes walk from the resort.

Beside the entrance of the path, there is the biggest mansion, the one they usually use when they come here for vacation but since it is under renovation, they have no choice but to use the one they're staying right now.

Following the path that is made by the enormous trees, they have to go up the slope for around ten minutes, there lies the hot-spring where they are right now. They don't need to worry even if the sun is blazing hot as the canopy of trees gives out shades and privacy.

The hot-spring is artificial but looks like a legit and it is built on the edge of the cliff so you can also enjoy the enchanting mother nature and relax.

Thanks to the maintenance team, the place is completely free of trash or dust or any other possible dirt.

It is like a secret garden in the woods but with an additional luxurious hot-spring and a mini bar.

"Don't worry, P'Kit. We'll be staying here for a while" Ming smiles at Kit, waving the tote bag packed with their clothes, towels and other stuffs he's holding with his other hand.

When did he even pack those things?

"I packed it while you were still sleeping" Ming answers with a wink, knowing the look on Kit without even saying anything. Kit's gaze follows Ming as he walks towards the hot-spring area.

"Hmm. Okay"

Kit takes off his shoes and puts them in the bag and makes himself comfortable on one of the lounge chairs. He sighs in satisfaction as his back lies on the soft fabric of the chair. Ming also does the same and sets himself on an egg-chair just beside Kit.

Kit closes his eyes and enjoys the cool breeze brushing against his face. Both of them just lie there with no words spoken as the silence engulfs and nothing but the sounds of the gentle wind blowing and leaves rustling remain.

If only time could stop right at this moment but possibly not, because they have life to deal with and loads of assignments and exams to take to begin with. Kit's mind wanders as he tries to relax.

He notices that Ming starts fidgeting and stealing glances at Kit with an uncertainty written all over his face. Clearly, he has something ridiculous on his mind again. Normally, he would have just already done it but he hesitating right now.

"Mingkwan" Ming jolts when Kit calls him and quickly pretends to do whatever his business he has before Kit turns to look at him. But Kit ignores it for now.

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