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"P'Kit..." I hear his voice trailing off. I'm pretty sure he doesn't remember what happened last night by the looks of it. Well, I can't blame him. It's also a part of my fault that he's having a headache right now. I'm guessing he doesn't notice it but I can see a big red bump on his forehead. Let us take a brief look to yesterday's some events. I'm not gonna explain how he ended up at my room cause I also got no idea. All I know is he went out for a drink to celebrate his friend's birthday and boom, he was in front of my dorm at midnight, drunk. Not to mention he attacked me as soon as he entered my room. I was totally taken by surprise. I was going to punch him but when I heard his words, I lost my will to struggle. BUT when he started grinding is member against mine, I shuddered unconsciously and kicked him on reflex in embarrassment. He face-slammed the floor and lost conscious just like that. So, that's the summary.

­­­­­I know we've been together for quite a long time but we still haven't gone all the way yet. We do touch each other some times however and the blame is all me. I do feel bad for him though. But I didn't think he wanted me that much until he told me last night. Please spare me the details. I rather not talk about it. I feel even more horrible for making him wait so long but don't you think I also need time prepare? I mean both mentally and physically. I don't want to admit but.... I know I'm the bottom. All the more I need time, do you not agree? I did do some research on my own but... even so, it's my first time ever with a man. I can't help that I'm scared.

While I'm spacing out on my own, I was snapped back to reality when Ming suddenly stands up and kneels on the floor in front of me. Thank god nobody was here! "P'Kit, forgive me and I'm really sorry! But please don't leave me! I'll die if you do. I will never drink again. I promise you. So, please, please, please, don't leave me. You can punch me and yell at me until you're satisfied. I beg you, P'Kit" Ming started throwing words like me a machine gun. I don't even know what to say so I ended up staring at him, contemplating what to reply him. Tears start to dwell up in his eyes while my tongue is tied.

I gather up all my voice to reply, still wondering what I should say "Hey Ming" by the time I start talking, he is already sniffling and both his eyes and nose are so red. I couldn't contain myself and burst out laughing to the point my stomach hurts. I'm just glad he's knows what he's done was wrong and is reflecting but most of all, his actions are showing me that he treasures me dearly. He has made me fallen in love with him all over again. Of course, I'll never say it out loud or he'll be on cloud nine forever. But I know he knows that I love him as much as he loves me.

As my laugh dies down, he looks so surprised to the point he stopped crying. You should've seen his reaction. It's so funny and adorable at the same time. I shake my head as I kneel in front of him and take both of his hands in my palms, giving him a warm reassuring smile to show him everything's fine. I was going to scold him at first but after seeing his reaction, that thought just flew out of the window. Ah... this big baby. How can I stay mad at him if he's like this. He is so spoiled.

"Calm down, Ai'Ming"

"But P'Kit I hurt you" he replies between his sniffles "why were you laughing just now? How can you be so calm?"

"Oi, why are you keep asking me questions without even giving me time to answer. I don't even know where to start. Now get up and sit on the sofa" I pull him up and pat the space beside me on the sofa to gesture him to sit beside me. He quickly sits down and looks at me with puppy eyes and pouty lips as he waits for me talk. I recounted yesterday's event and we started laughing at ourselves. He looks so relieved that he slumps down and hugs me tightly in his arms. Although we've hugged countless times but today feels so different. I don't know why but I feel safer and warmer than usual. I feel his smile against my shoulder as he leans his forehead on me. He suddenly flinch and pulls back when he pressed harder on my shoulder "Ow ow owww" he rubs that red swollen spot on his forehead and closes his eyes.

"Are you okay, Ming? I think we should go back to the room and put a ice pack on it" I put my hand on his forehead to check. He shakes head as he takes my hand "I'm okay and I deserve it. This is a reminder to myself to have more self-restraint be it drunk or not." He give me a warm and charming smile that makes all the girls swoon over for him, including me. My heart skips a beat whenever I see his smile no matter how long we have dating. I clear my throat to cover up my embarrassment "I said it's okay already. Just don't get carried away too much next time."

"Of course, my KitKat" he caresses my cheek with his thumb and travels down to my lips. He stares at me with looks filled with love for a few seconds before he captures my lips and take me into his mouth. We continue to share a passionate kiss that leaves us both breathless. I moaned a little bit in his mouth before pulling back to catch my breath. But Ming sucks my lower lip so my lips won't be apart from him and continues savoring me. I heard a cough from somebody that makes me push Ming and stop the kiss immediately. It was Ai'Pha. Shit, let me die please.

"Oh ho, so bold in daylight huh, Ai'Kit?" He teases me with his signature mischievous smirk. I knew this was gonna happen. Beam's gonna find out sooner or- I saw another one behind Pha as he joins and it was no other but Beam "Wow Ai'Kitty! I thought you hated PDA! You hypocrite"

"Assholes" Ming interrupts before I continue. "P' please don't blame P'Kit. It was my fault."

"Whatever you say, Ai'Ming" Beam retorts with a snort. "We were worried because you weren't picking up your phone. But look what we get Ai'Pha. This is how he pays back our kindness Let's go. N'Yo is probably is waiting for you. I need to meet up with Ai'Forth too" Beam walks to the dorm exist as Pha follows him. Pha turns back as opens the door, "by the way you two, get a room already. I feel sorry for the people who live here if things get heated up here" he winks and walks out off the door. His unnecessary comment left my face in tomato-red.

"Errr... P'Kit?"

My neck snaps to his voice "yeah?"

"Do you wanna catch movie this evening?"

"Huh? ah.. sure"

"How does the dinner after movie sounds? Please? I wanna make it up to you"

I smile at him and nod "sure"

Whew. One case closed.

And another one to go...?


So here's the second chapter. I hope you like it.

No proofreading by the way. I published it as soon as I finished.



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